Okay, this from the Canada Gazette:
Vol. 138, No. 26 — June 26, 2004
Regulations Amending the International Letter-post Items Regulations
Statutory authority
Canada Post Corporation Act
Sponsoring agency
Canada Post Corporation
These proposed amendments to Canada Post Corporation (Canada Post) regulations, effective January 17, 2005, will increase the price of postage for letter-post items destined to the United States and to other international destinations.
Proposed price adjustments include the following, among others:
— a $0.05 increase to $0.85 (6.3 percent) for letters, cards and postcards up to 30 g destined to the United States. Other prices for this destination will also be adjusted, with an average overall increase of 4.2 percent; and
— a $0.05 increase to $1.45 (3.6 percent) for letters, cards and postcards up to 30 g for other foreign destinations. Other prices for these destinations will also be adjusted, with an average overall increase of 3.2 percent.
Canada Post is facing inflationary pressure from a number of sources, and the proposed price adjustments take into consideration increased operating costs as measured by the inflation forecast.
One such source is terminal dues, which are a pricing mechanism that allows the postal administration receiving mail for delivery to collect for the cost of delivery from the postal administration sending the mail (in this case Canada Post). It is expected that terminal dues to the United States will increase by 5 percent while dues to other international destinations will increase by approximately 4.7 percent by 2005.
Additionally, many courier companies have implemented significant fuel price surcharges based upon price fluctuations. As Canada Post cannot implement a fuel surcharge for regulated letter-post products, it remains exposed to fluctuations in the price of fuel and must recover the increased cost.
Even with the proposed price increases, Canada Post's international outbound basic rate will continue to be one of the lowest among all major industrialized countries.
The proposed amendments require consequential, minor amendments to the Special Services and Fees Regulations and to the Materials for the Use of the Blind Regulations.
With regard to the proposed rate action, all other alternatives were considered inappropriate, as the rate action is part of the 2004 to 2008 Corporate Plan approved by the Governor in Council. The Plan seeks a balanced approach to control costs, improve productivity and efficiency, deliver financial performance and ensure accessibility and reliability.
Benefits and costs
It is anticipated that the amendments will not have a serious impact on postal users or on market share. The new rates will directly contribute to Canada Post's financial integrity and its ability to make future investments to maintain accessible, affordable and efficient service. Generally, consumers send only a very small number of U.S. and international mail items each year compared to domestic lettermail.
Anticipated impact
Depending on the products they use, the majority of customers will experience an overall weighted average price increase of 3.8 percent for U.S.A. and International Letter-post, while a small number of customers will see higher increases.
As required by the Canada Post Corporation Act, these amendments are being published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, thereby initiating a formal 60-day period in which interested persons can make representations to the Minister responsible for the Canada Post Corporation. All such representations should cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice.
Compliance and enforcement
These Regulations are enforced by Canada Post under the Canada Post Corporation Act. No increase in the cost of enforcement is expected as a result of the proposed changes.
Mrs. Manon Tardif, General Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Canada Post Corporation, 2701 Riverside Drive, Suite N0940, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0B1, (613) 734-8483 (telephone), (613) 734-7207 (facsimile).
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 20(1) of the Canada Post Corporation Act, that the Canada Post Corporation, pursuant to subsection 19(1) (see footnote a) of that Act, proposes to make the annexed Regulations Amending the International Letter-post Items Regulations.
Interested persons may make representations with respect to the proposed Regulations within 60 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to the Minister responsible for the Canada Post Corporation, 555 Mackenzie Avenue, 7th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0L5.
1. Paragraph 7.1(1)(a) of the International Letter-post Items Regulations (see footnote 1) is replaced by the following:
(a) a completed green CN22 label; or
2. Schedule I to the Regulations is repealed.
3. Item 1 of Schedule IV to the Regulations in column II is replaced by the following:
Item Column II
Rate per item ($)
1.(a)(i) 30 g or less
more than 30 g but not
more than 50 g 0.85
(ii) 100 g or less
more than 100 g but not
more than 200 g
more than 200 g but not
more than 500 g 1.70
(b)(i) 30 g or less
more than 30 g but not
more than 50 g 1.45
(ii) 100 g or less
more than 100 g but not
more than 200 g
more than 200 g but not
more than 500 g 3.40
4. These Regulations come into force on January 17, 2005.
Footnote a
S.C. 1992, c. 1, s. 34
Footnote 1
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