02-23-2013 04:59 PM
I printed a small packet air shipping label on Feb 20 for an item bound for Australia.On Feb 21st it was retnd to me with a sticker from Canada Post: "no delivery scan" there is also a bar code on the sticker.Took it to the local postal outlet for information.Clerk couldnt find anything wrong with it.The postage was correct,it was addressed properly etc Clerk suggested that it was an error by CP and he drew a line thro the bar code and re shipped it. Well it came back to me today with the same "no delivery scan"sticker.I have been at this for over 10 years and this is a first for me.Does anyone know what no"delivery scan" means. I will call CP on Monday but thought I might get some answers here... as it hasnt even left the country yet thx jesse/golfing in style
02-23-2013 05:12 PM
I find that very weird, because when using Small Packet services, there is supposed to be no delivery scan. Because there is no barcode to scan! Small Packet is an untracked service after all.
I would call CP on this one. The clerks at the retail outlets are not trained on these sorts of problems, so they wouldn't be able to give you a definite answer.
02-23-2013 05:23 PM
Maybe CP thinks it is a Tracked Packet parcel??? TP is supposed to have a bar code.
02-23-2013 05:24 PM
Is it a clean box with no other markings or barcodes on it?
02-23-2013 05:39 PM
The package is a new brown shipping envelope with a golf shirt inside. I've shipped 1000s of them world wide in my 10 years on EBay. It's a small packet air (no bar code) which cost me in the area of $17.00 to ship.Size and weight are well within the guidelines. I guess CP must think there should be a bar code on it.I cant figure it out.Thanks for the quick responses.
02-23-2013 06:37 PM
yeah..postal code is wrong...
02-23-2013 06:44 PM
solution..go to canada post website...
go and get a quote and type your info in....
see what happens...I think it can't read the postal code or zip code..and therefore rejects it...
remember its all coms runing now and no personal touch
Maybe u have a wrong digit or letter in the iddy
02-24-2013 03:52 PM
Just tried that and I can print the shipping thro electronic shipping tools with the address I have. Postal code is only 4 numbers 4011 in Brisbane Queensland Australia.
02-25-2013 10:59 AM
Just got off the phone with Canada Post and was informed Small Packet air is no longer available to Australia and that it has to go tracked packet, which is about 4x as much. But I can still, print small packet air through Paypal.I know I read the announcement about the new tracked packet service ,if this info is correct than I guess I should re read it.
02-25-2013 11:07 AM
I don't think that is correct. Small Pkt Air is still available to Australia and shows that way on the Canada Post site. Call Canada Post again and speak to someone else.
02-25-2013 11:27 AM
Just did that and got a much more knowledgeable worker who said this shouldnt be happening and emailed the supervisor at the sorting centre to watch for the package and to ensure it goes through...We'll see re-shipping it today. Stay tuned and thanks for all the replies.
jesse/golfing in style
02-25-2013 03:32 PM
Just got off the phone with Canada Post and was informed Small Packet air is no longer available to Australia and that it has to go tracked packet, which is about 4x as much.
That amazes me that someone at CP would give out such wrong information.
I wonder if ebay and CP share CS reps. 🙂
02-27-2013 02:32 PM
What type or training program is used at your retail postal outlet that would be required to quailify an employee as being a certified Postal retail outlet clerck?
Have a nice day!
03-01-2013 12:33 PM
Well looks like my package is on the way to Australia.It hasnt been sent back to me for 3 days now. I never did get an explanation on why this occured other than being told by most everyone it shouldnt have happened. A couple of things I liked was the 2nd more knowledgeable staff from CP on the phone/Help desk e-mailed the supervisor at the local sorting station while we were actually on the phone informing him/her to watch for the package and to let it go through. She took detailed information and also apologized for the wrong information I received by the other CP staffer regarding the discontinuation of International Small Packet Air. Yesterday a supervisor from the sorting centre called me at 900 am to also apologize. Im shipping a golf shirt to Japan today by small packet International air although this time I have my fingers crossed.Thanks for the help and suggestions Enjoy the weekend wherever you are...
jesse/golfing in style
09-17-2014 06:30 PM
I'm pretty sure 'no delivery scan' sticker means the postal carrier does not have to scan package as 'delivered' and get you to sign for it. I received one like that from Australia the other day. No idea why yours was returned to you.
09-18-2014 05:45 PM
Whoa! I hope it is an error on CP's end!! I send lots of packages by small packets air to Australia almost every week and hope it is not true as there is no way I can start charging $47.50 Tracket Packet to ship a 8x10 photo or a magazine to Australia!!
It would certainly make us go out of business or losing potential buyers or favorite repeated customers in that area if CP is so serious about that!