You still have to put the tariff code down and the two letter country of manufacture of the item next to the tariff number on the 7523. Along with that you would have to include a copy of the NAFTA COO certificate of origin for the item in question and hand it to the agent with your 7523 and invoices or invoice manifest for what you're bringing over.
I find them weird when it comes to the invoices. I don't *yet* give them copies of each individual invoice but I do make an excel spreadsheet with the name, address, item description ie parrot book, computer game, whatever and the amount they paid before shipping. It lets them know precisely what I'm bringing in, who bought it and how much. It's not an official form, it's just my own thing. Some don't want it, some demand it and others ask what the heck it is and what they're supposed to do with it. Clearly not everyone has the same procedural training.
I made it for every trip from the beginning so when they asked what I was bringing and how much I could read off the list. I would show them and ask if they needed/wanted it and they said no. Someone started lecturing me once that the 7523 wasn't enough because it didn't say where each piece was going, what was in each individual shipment, I'd need invoices bla bla bla and I handed him that. Oh! great! *shrugs* I don't know. Some CBP agents keep the excel sheet, most actually, and a few hand them back.
I don't think it matters where you cross from but rather what state you cross into. Reading the info on the website I gave New York is one of the next ones to go live with the program. I don't know where MN fits in. Each state is getting into the program at different points.
I did read that for those entering with the 7523 and under $2000 there is a temporary exemption from the ACE emanifest but it didn't give details or I didn't get to the part yet, of what to do or how long the exemption was and under what specific circumstances.
There is going to be a seminar on ACE on June 4 - 6 in Buffalo. It's free to register and may be worthwhile. You can set up personal appointments where they can help you with your specific business. I also found a help number for ACE. You can even do some web based training for the emanifests. I haven't done that yet. It looks like you have to set up an ACE account to do the manifests or buy special software for an EDI.
ACE Portal support number
For questions on the application, please call the ACE Portal Support Center at 1-800-927-8729.
I don't know if that number is general info or only for help using the ACE portal to submit a manifest or only for the application to get an ACE account. I haven't called yet but it's worth a shot. If they can't help I'm sure they can direct you to a number who can.
Anyone going to head to Buffalo for the Seminar? Appointments are booking up. I got one. The other seminar location is Texas if I remember correctly.
Good luck - lots to read that's for sure,