Maybe one day the Yankees will realize we are NOT Mexicans, we are CANADIANS.
It's not that "we" are Mexican or Canadian it's that "we" are all socialists and or terrorists and or drug dealers and or heathens and or.......
For the "greatest nation of earth" they are a very paranoid bunch (as a nation not necessarily as individuals). |
I guess when you stand at your kitchen window and watch two planes fly into the World Trade Center and then via TV see the Pentagon hit and another plane go down in're entitled to become paranoid.
My aunt and uncle saw this first hand. I lost a friend in the second plane that hit the WTC. Life for his wife and children will never be the same. It was not just Americans who were hurt. There were people from around the world who lost their lives at the WTC.
Not since Pearl Harbor has the US been under attack. And, my same uncle who witnessed 9/11 from his kitchen window....was at Pearl Harbor.
Until the time of his passing a year ago...he wasn't paranoid....he was sad that this happened on US soil.
As I had mentioned, I am a US citizen who legally immigrated to Canada and now I am a dual citizen of both countries. In my lifetime and far beyond...I hope that Canada NEVER has to endure what Americans have gone through.
It makes me sad that any Canadian has the view that they think Americans view Canadians as socialists or terrorists or drug dealers or heathens. Perhaps ignorant Americans do. But the majority of the American population view Canadians as peace loving people. And, thankfully, I share this view.
I as an American am in awe of the people of Canada. And, I as a Canadian am in awe of the people of the United States. Together...we're a strong force and isn't it amazing how truly our two countries are able to coexist for so long without carrying arms against one another.
Kindness, compassion, understanding and appreciation that while we are two unique countries, we share a lot in common.
Let's hope that in our lifetime and beyond....nothing horrific ever happens on this continent ever again. Because when you eventually walk in the shoes of an American affected by 9/11 first hand....then you'll not only be sympathetic...but empathetic.