Does it not calculate properly until the 30 days is up?
You pick the time period, you can only go back 90 days, reports are accurate up to the current date as long as you have a minimum of 10 ratings in the period.
Does anyone know if this is a glitch?
Perhaps but I doubt it
Does anyone know how long we have had this feature?
Officially about 2 weeks (it was briefly available about a month ago during testing).
Does anyone find these reports helpful?
Yes and of course No!
Or like most of us we don't go and look that often so it doesn't really matter?
Some obsess and some don't!
If this is correct, doesn't this allow us then to see what buyers are leaving very low DSR's? That is if we want to create a report every time we get feedback.
It's possible with creative use of the reports to more accurately identify who left what. Personally I think it's a waste of time to even try. Knowing who left what doesn't really tell you why and like all statistical analysis it's identifying general trends which is important.
The sellers who can really use it to their advantage are those that sell high value items where FVF discounts represent a substantial amount. For these sellers, especially if they sell in multiple categories, they might discover that one of their lesser profitable lines is responsible for bringing their ratings down and costing them higher discounts.
One of the first thing many sellers did was compare feedback between domestic and International or country against country. It's been interesting, a number of sellers who assumed they were getting lower ratings from International buyers were surprised to find the opposite was true. Some seller who always felt International buyers gave them lower ratings have had this confirmed (or in other words they found out what they already knew!).
Overall I would say that many/most sellers are ridiculously overly concerned with their DSRs. There are plenty of examples of sellers giving up a large portion of their sales and profits in an attempt to obtain a relatively small additional discount. There are also lots of sellers who chase after high numbers strictly as an ego stroke when there is actually almost no effect at all on their bottom line.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.