Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please join us on Thursday, August 18, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EDT for a general discussion and question and answer session with Jordan, the eBay.ca Country Manager. Jordan will be here on behalf of the eBay.ca team to answer any questions you have about eBay.

If you are not able to attend, but want to leave some questions in advance please post them here, and check back later for answers.

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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi everyone,

Jordan will be posting answers to any previously unanswered questions from the last few discussions in advance of the session. So stay tuned!

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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone,

This thread will remain open until the workshop is over on Thursday, so feel free to leave any questions you have for Jordan here in advance of the workshop on Thursday.

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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Hi Jordan and Carly,

A couple of easy ones to start off with.

First, why are these Question Periods during the day? Can't they possibly be held at another time? The West Coast is working during the times of the Question Periods as they are scheduled now. Surely there could be some consideration for us in the matter of timing these events.

Secondly, I have found these announcements usually by mistake. I don't spend a lot of time on the CTS Board. Why aren't they posted on the New to Discussion Board and elsewhere? More members would be aware of the Question Periods if they were announced on a broader basis.

Also, is there any consideration being given to a Spell-checker for the Boards? I'm pretty certain it would be greatly appreciated by those who write and certainly by those who read these postings.

Thanks, as always, I look forward to hearing from you...
¿Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

There is only one God ...


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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone and Jim4388, welcome to today's discussion with Jordan, eBay Canada's Country Manager, we'll get going in a minute.

In answer to your questions:

1. eBay Pink board hours are held during regular office hours ET. We have tried to make them in the afternoon so as to loop in the east and west coast and everyone in between.

2. That's a good suggestion, and we can do so in the future. We will also hold these discussions on other boards as well.

3. Here's to great spelling everywhere! If you'll notice, the spell checker button is on the top band of the Post a Reply box.

Thanks for your questions, and Jordan will be along in a few minutes.
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello from the Cloudy (but usually sunny) shores of Georgian Bay.

There was a question on Ryanne's thread about requiring cc verification for any more than 10 emails through the ebay system. I understand that those with 0 feedback can only send one email, and those with more are limited to 10 emails a day - through the ebay system - and then they are required to enter cc info to verify. I believe this is an enhanced security feature.

Would you please clarify?


Deb aka warm*fuzzies

P.S. Can't see the spellcheck button? or am I just getting blind?
I am at the beach - YAY!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Life is short..screw typos :0|~~~
Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Message 6 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
D'oh! Scratch that. I just noticed the little ABC-with- a-check button. :-x
I am at the beach - YAY!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Life is short..screw typos :0|~~~
Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Message 7 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
In Follow up to the three previous discussions, we have some answers for you:

Follow Up from July 7th Discussion on CTS:


Re Question # 6. Will eBay.CA work closely with Canada Post and carriers to obtain better shipping rates for eBay.CA sellers?

Answer: eBay.ca is working closely with a few carriers, including Canada Post, on a number of ideas, including a potential shipping discount and related integration. Stay tuned. We do expect that the probable discount will be less than what a high-volume "commercial" seller could negotiate directly with Canada Post or UPS but greater than the vast majority of discounts our other sellers could secure.

Re Question #7. Will it be possible to charge Canadian taxes when applicable through My eBay?

Answer: Yes. We are working with PayPal to activate this. But we do not have a date yet, stay tuned.

Re Question # 8- Can we also expect an easier flow through between .COM and .CA when auctions are listed on .COM, the buyer is Canadian and taxes and shipping needs to be addressed?

Answer: Canadian Sellers will need to specify their tax table for buyers in various Provinces as well as outside Canada from My eBay on eBay.ca. Once they have done this, taxes will definitely apply to listings on eBay.ca.

Question #9 Regarding New Policy for Home Page Featured Listings. When will eBay.CA do the same?

Answer: We will shortly be removing the feature from eBay.ca only. The change is anticipated in a few weeks.

Question #11- Will improvements be made to the Canadian PS Program so that benefits become similar to the US PS program?

Answer: We are currently looking into this, and will report back with some suggestions on our end on how to make the program better as soon as they have been finalized.

July 21st Discussion on CTS:

Question: Could it be arranged so that a hijacked account and any resulting auction fees are immediately credited when eBay Trust and Safety is notified, i.e. a one-step process?

Answer: In the vast majority of instances, the fee credit process is 1 step and the fees are returned automatically and processed as quickly as possible. There is the odd instance however, where we rely on the user to inform us of such an occurance at which point in time we try and process the credits as quickly as possible.

Question: Is anyone at eBay.ca aware and interested and concerned about the upcoming Canada Post change to the Letterpost to USA regulations? Is there any buzz about this at the management levels? Is eBay.ca advocating on behalf of sellers in any way at all on this issue? The change is going to have a major impact on sellers of small items and media items.

Answer: We are aware that as of September 19, 2005, USA and International Letter-post requirements will be rigidly enforced by Canada Post. We understand the implications on eBay sellers. We are monitoring the community boards on a daily basis and forwarding a summary of the community’s feedback to Canada Post regularly. Rest assured, we are as concerned about the potential impact on eBay sellers as you are. To that end, we have scheduled a workshop with Canada Post on August 25, 2005, at 1:00 p.m. ET to address these specific changes. I encourage you to visit this workshop and voice both your opinion and suggestions. For more information, go to http://forums.ebay.ca/thread.jspa?threadID=300022011&tstart=0&mod=1123656315977.

August 4th Discussion on CTS:

Question: On eBay.ca it says “realize that taxes/duties should be the responsibility of the buyer unless stated otherwise.” I would like to see the US site mention that it is the buyers responsibility unless other arrangements are made. This would bring the wording in line with ebay.ca and provide for fewer problem transactions. If you could also educate all ebay sellers somehow (sorry, but I don't how) about the importance of only declaring how much the item sold for and not how much they think it might be worth.”

Answer: Phoebescollectables, this is a good suggestion and we are bringing it forward to our colleagues in the US.
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi o*pillar,

You are absolutely right, this is a security feature that we have introduced which has proven to be extremely effective in reducing spam, fraud, and the solicitation of "off-eBay" transactions.
Message 9 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
We would love to hear from any of our Stores sellers or buyers out there about your experiences with Stores since we made the Stores offering more global in nature... are sellers seeing more action on their SIF items and are buyers happy with the increased SIF selection?
Message 10 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Is anyone preparing now for the rush of Holiday season? Any ideas around what is hot and what is not?

When is your big rush period on eBay around Holiday selling and do you have any suggestions on ways we can work together on extending that period?
Message 11 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
I don't sell too much, but I am getting organised now..This is a great selling time for me (from home as well) and I have quite a few things that will in the coming months. I will start at the end of the month and keep selling for the season until the end of November.

After that I find trying to meet postal deadline just to stressful as people get antsy for their stuff today.
I am at the beach - YAY!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Life is short..screw typos :0|~~~
Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Message 12 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks o*pillar,

Lots of our sellers actually extend their selling window well into December as buyers seem to be shopping later and later on eBay for the past few years. One of the things you may want to think about is using a fixed price format like "Buy It Now" and "Store Inventory" as a tool to extend the buying period before the holidays.
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks for attending and we will see you again in two weeks!
Message 14 of 15
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Discussion with eBay.ca Country Manager, Thurs, August 18, 3:00-4:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks Jordan. I will consider it when the time comes.
I am at the beach - YAY!!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

Life is short..screw typos :0|~~~
Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Message 15 of 15
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