Do You Want All The News

Or do you just want to see what the left leaning CBC  and a few others want you to see.


Sun News wants the same  cable coverage as  CBC  and CTV .


Did you know that more cable subscibers can get terrorist TV  (al jazeera) than Sun News


Should Sun be denied that while others get  CRTC protection.




If you want the playing field to be balanced see this:









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Do You Want All The News

I think Sun News needs to work on their news programs.

The few times I watched it, I got the impression that the most important part of the programming was not the news - but the hosts or anchors or whatever they are called. 

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Do You Want All The News

Sun news  needs a lot of improvement but the CRTC owes it to the people to balance the extremely left leaning CBC with something a little more to the right.


The CRTC forces all cable companies to  carry CBC and CTV.    It is only right to ask for  the same treatment for all news.

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Do You Want All The News

Canada does not approve of hate mongering or bigotry, despite if it is blunt, or subtly done. We do not give a platform to that type of spin. Sun media is not balanced news, it is radical right winged with people like Levant who insulted Muslim people despite what reactions it would create. He would have revelled at riots or disaster in the streets because it would have given him more to talk about. Thankfully, that did not happen.


Every thinking person knows what Sun media is and intelligent people do not watch it which is why Sun is failing and had to restructure last year and lay off 500 people. If it was worth the paper it was printed on, or the air waves it broadcasts on….it would not be in the state it is in. The Sun is a rat that fell into a pail of water and wants someone to throw it a lifeline and if it gets out it will eat your house down to the foundation.


We are a country of conscience and Sun has none.

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Do You Want All The News

Sun News is just the bent Canadian version of Fox News. It would not surprise me one bit if Murdock owns it.


However; if you really want innuendo, scare tactics, one sided opinion that passes for news that would make Cronkite turn in his grave - Just watch Mansbridge. And then there is the the paid news contributors on the CBC that sit around and interview each other. What a joke.


I am really surprised that the government, any government, Liberal or Tories has not just pulled the funding out from beneath them. Cheeses me off that we are paying for this one sided opinionated garbage.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 5 of 6
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Do You Want All The News

Maybe we don’t need a National News. Let local channels extend their time and do both local and National, they’re capable. Well most of them and those that aren’t, they’ll learn.

Everyone happy now?


However I have always said we should have a National 'Channel' to bring politicians up on the carpet and have them questioned about their decisions of lack of decisions. And make it a requirement that they have to show up.

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