Ebayer not charging PST/GST

I'm a god-fearing ebay seller who pays his taxes and has his ducks in a row.

Let's say I observe an large, (100k+ a year) ebayer who isn't charging GST and PST, even though its obvious he must. I'm guessing he doesn't report his income either.

If someone reports this, what action could the provincial or federal government take, realistically?
Message 1 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

"It is important for sellers to be honest with their customers. If one is registered to collect taxes (GST/HST and/or PST), the listings should clearly say so."

Comeon pierre,

As you know, if you sell 100k+ in brand new goods, you must be registered for GST and PST. Then by your statement, they should state this in their listings.
Message 21 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Take a look at http://offer.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=180399091723

" I do not need to charge sales taxes on items I have purchased for my personal use then resold."
Message 22 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Now, the SAME item offered by you at a few extra dollar with FREE SHIPPING:

"Canadian buyers will be charged 5% GST (or 13% HST for buyers in NS, NB and NL) and an additional 7%/8% for buyers in BC/ON. "

Sir, you have ZERO credibility. Based on your listings and posts, YOU are obviously cheating on GST/HST.

Do you really want me to dig furter into your business practices and possible tax violations?

The kettle should not call the pot "black".
Message 23 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

PS - For the record (regular posters already know this), I am a former employee of the tax department. I understand the "stuff"!
Message 24 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

:^O :^O :^O :^O
You are DEAD WRONG, again! zero for five! 0/5!!!
:^O :^O :^O :^O
I do not charge sales taxes on those listings because those are for Americans and international buyers. There is an entirely separate listing for Canadian buyers that charges tax.

In other words, since you seem to have the reasoning abilities of someone about 10% your age:

I have two listings, 1 for Canadians with sales tax, the other mentioning no sales taxes. BECAUSE AMERICANS AND INTERNATIONAL buyers don't need it. In the listing without sales taxes, it is impossible for Canadians to buy! This VIOLATES NOTHING and I am in full compliance. I like your ominous warnings

" YOU are obviously cheating on GST/HST....Do you really want me to dig furter into your business practices and possible tax violations? "

Pierre, your name henceforce is PiPi. Pipi, you're killing me. can you be RIGHT ONCE, TODAY? JUST ONCE PIPI BE RIGHT!

Message 25 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Message 26 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Re: listing 180407530332

I do not charge sales taxes on those listings because those are for Americans and international buyers.

Dude, I also make a fool of myself here on occasion, but you rock!

IShips to: Canada, United States

will ship within 2 business days after payment. I do not charge sales taxes on this item.

I will ship within 2 business days after payment. I do not charge sales taxes on this item.

Shipping to Canada
Expedited Parcel takes approximately 2-7 business days and XpressPost takes approximately 1-3 business days.

And to your original question (How to report suspected tax evasion), here is the answer (click): http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071101142314AANelZ8
Message 27 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Dude, I also make a fool of myself here on occasion, but you rock!

Actually you just made a fool out of yourself again.

Those were shoes I bought for my own use, and THEY DIDN'T FIT ME. As per the sales tax rules, I do not charge sales tax on this item.

Message 28 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

:^O :^O :^O :^O :^O

Since it's so hard for you guys to make a logical post without failing miserably, here are the rules:

I am violating the law if:

I make a listing that I should know Canadians could buy and don't state sales taxes, and the item is not originally purchased for my own use, ie, used car, shoes didn't fit.

I am not violating the law if:

I made a listing of an item I bought for my own use
I make a listing that does not mention sales taxes and only international buyers can buy it. If ebay changes their site and combines shipping options and I don't know about it, I am not violating the law.
Message 29 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Actually you just made a fool out of yourself again.

Those were shoes I bought for my own use, and THEY DIDN'T FIT ME.

I guess, everyone here understands that:

1) you are a snitch

2) you need help

3) plonk
Message 30 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

I guess, everyone here understands that:

1) you are a snitch
2) you need help
3) plonk

I see. So you had nothing to say to my reasonable question. So you attacked me instead. Then after I replied that your points made no sense, you started to call me names. Does this sum things up?

All these attacks have taught me the important lesson, even if they made no sense at all:

It's so unreasonable to expect a seller 10x bigger than me to obey the law instead giving himself an illegal competitive advantage. Why should he pay taxes that pay for stupid things like medical care and firefighters. That's my job to pay taxes, from the small number of sales I get despite having to charge 13% more.

How dare I try to do anything about it. Good thing this powerseller board straightened me out before I tried to complain or anything.
Message 31 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

I'm so glad you guys were so polite and helpful. You actually read my posts reasonably.

You didn't just look at the title, then type out whatever popped into your head at the time.

Thanks for refraining from attacking me for no reason whatsoever, and thanks for all the helpful advice directly related to my question. It's really going to help me be able to sell despite having a big competitor who is breaking the law.

Thanks to the moderators of the board, who don't permit other users to call eachother "sn*tches". Of course, it's not like that any user here would say "you are a sn*tch", and never just because he was embarrassed for making an totally wrong attack.
Message 32 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

You have a curious way of asking for help.

You ask the question, then insult the people that are trying to help you.

Since you know so much, solve your own problems.


It is our similarities that make us all human - it is our differences that make us all interesting

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 33 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

You have a curious way of asking for help.

You ask the question, then insult the people that are trying to help you.

Since you know so much, solve your own problems.

You have a curious way of reading a thread.

None of the drivel here resembles an answer to my question, which was regarding enforcement.

Instead, presented with a hypothetical situation, people told me it was none of my business, then proceeded to troll through my listings to accuse me of the same thing, completely wrongly. I had to fend off bizarrely inept comments from a previous tax professional. Noone even approached an answer, and a reading of the thread shows I provoked none of this. I was polite until I was directly accused of crimes.

I couldn't write anything more insulting to you guys than the inanity displayed here. I could print out and frame this thread to show one of the most useless and mean spirited communities I've ever seen.
Message 34 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Read your original post again.

"ebayer who isn't charging GST and PST, even though its obvious he must. "

You know that is incorrect. There is no such requirements.

"I'm guessing he doesn't report his income either. "

You have no basis to reach that conclusion.

Everything else becomes meaningless.
Message 35 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

"ebayer who isn't charging GST and PST, even though its obvious he must. "

You know that is incorrect. There is no such requirements.

Actually this is literally true. How can a tax professional not know this?

I like how you reported my post asking for an apology but your posts accusing me of crimes stays up. I see how you play PiPi.
Message 36 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

You have asked the members of this board for help and have been given clear and concise info by the very best Powersellers on this board.

In short, we don't understand what you don't get-
the answer is that you cannot report something that you cannot prove, so why would you waste your time reporting it? Sellers do not have to charge tax on their listings up front. Once an item is paid for by the customer, the seller only has to properly record the tax amount within the sale price in their own business records, and set it aside and remit that tax amount come tax time to the government. This step is completely invisible to the buyer.

So far there have been 35 posts on this topic. 17 of those posts are yours, and most are in retaliation to people dedicating their time and effort in trying to offer their ideas on this topic to you and all who read it.
Your frustration is clearly toward your competitor, and you are taking it out on the very people that are only trying to offer you their ideas. Mutual respect and professionalism on this board is highly regarded. We all have a like goal and similar objectives here.
If you have your own agendas or personal vendettas toward your competion, may I suggest that you air them out somewhere else and stop wasting everyone's time.

Message 37 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Message 38 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

Community Member
And some people have written me privately wondered why I no longer bother posting here. These posts get more laughable daily. Sellers should be united in causes viv a vis eBay, not each other. This internecine warfare about who is and isn't paying tax is beyond the point of laughable.

We are still happily Power Sellers, so I can post here. Again, for the next little while I can see so many reasons for not bothering. You have your little sandbox back to yourselves again. Goodbye for now.

P.S. (To that someone out west- I haven't forgotten about you- it's just that shipping chocolate in the summer, over such long distances, isn't that viable. Christmas is near......expect a package soon.)

Message 39 of 42
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Re: Ebayer not charging PST/GST

I agree 100% with Pierre and Xena and all those with the same sentiment. These people have been around a long time and are pretty much on the ball. May I also add they are not into flaming which adds nicely to their credibility 🙂

I don't get what the fuss is all about. I am also required to REMIT GST but do not pass the cost onto my customer, so in effect, the GST is paid by me--not the customer. So I just don't get how the OP finds this misleading.
Message 40 of 42
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