Hi Axe,
I actually joined the group back when there were just 50 members. Honestly I'm waiting to see what transpires as to whether their will be much value in it.
I am currently exploring some marketing ideas for my own website. I am taking some of the money I had previously invested in ebay and am setting up accounts with other venues such as shopping.com and oodle.com. Again, time will tell how valuable these resources are.
A few months back I posted the following to help ebayers who were interested in setting up their own website.
I didn't think it would last long at the time so I set up a group with the same info just in case but never actually did anything with it. If anyone is interested in helping each other to set up an off-ebay site, promote one, develop SEO or share further info I would be happy to open up that group and we could begin sharing ideas and knowledge.