El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Wow!! El Assad

Shot down all roses questions.

us/kanada have no creditbility as major human right violaters

Some of roses question were outright ridiculous.

us rained depleted uranium in iraq and white phosphorus used by the land theives israel. Not a peep from anyone.


El assad told it like it is. He has my backing.


Go ahead bama/kerry all talk with no cold hard evidence that syria attack them and start the crazy war. dum azzez


Have some syrian friends on both sides of border. Word on street a mossad or cia  caper or a collabriation of the 2


 canadians and american flock


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Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 1 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

El assad told it like it is. He has my backing.


Maybe when he is ousted from Syria, we can get him to replace Harper. 

I am sure his methods of handling the native population would be inhumane but effective. 

Seems that he doesn't like dissidents. 


Seems like you should do a better job of picking your heroes. 

Message 2 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0



"At his trial, he later recanted his apology and blamed his outburst on his diabetes, some wine and a change in medication,"


"Ahenakew was retried in Saskatoon in 2008. In February 2009, Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Wilfred Tucker acquitted Ahenakew because his statements, while "revolting, disgusting and untrue" did not show an intent to incite hatred"

Message 3 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

al-Assad in many respects is no different than the leaders of most countries. The difference is he doesn’t (based on what we are ‘told’ by our media and our own leaders) have the finesse or the covert skulduggery of the other leaders and their well-trained henchmen.


Everyone is playing their own games, the US, Israel, the Arab League etc etc etc etc and they are all in it for their own ‘payoffs’ in the end. There are few countries out there in the world that have anything to boast about, past or present. Our own people are told what to believe by the media which is often individually prejudiced or government controlled. We have no rights if the government wants to take them away and even when the government is blatantly wrong….they can drag it out for years on end before a possible resolution is reached. Stand up to a government and see what happens to you…..the list is long. Demonstrate and see what happens! Then we can get into covert operations by other countries to discredit another country…….they do it all the time as history has shown.


Bottom line……who can we believe?.................... None of them.    

Message 4 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

@puckstopshere wrote:

El assad told it like it is. He has my backing.


Maybe when he is ousted from Syria, we can get him to replace Harper. 

I am sure his methods of handling the native population would be inhumane but effective. 

Seems that he doesn't like dissidents. 


Seems like you should do a better job of picking your heroes. 

Favoring the underdog does not make that my hero.

A underdog like myself as a native in kanada.


Kanada's handling the native population has been inhumane but ineffective.


Their annihilation of natives has failed. Now we will fight to regain our dignity,culture, languages and lands from kanadas racist populaion and genocidal colnial govenrments.


Trust funds set up for the natives more than a century ago which now should be worth in the trillions has been squandered by your colonial governments.


Now the tax puppets of kanada must bare the finacial burden. Ha Ha!


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W1Smiley LOL

Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 5 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Come on really! some of roses questions were quite ridiculous.


Questioning  Dr al assad's allies. What he can't have allies? like anyother country in the world??


Questioning Assad if he has wmd"s?? Ask netanyahoo if he has wmd's.


Questioning who are his arms suppliers??


Who are the arms suppliers of israel,the whole army,wmd's,nukes the whole shebang are funded by the american tax puppets.


Absolutely no limits to colonialist hypocrasy.


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israels american/kanadas sugar sheep




And the rest of north americas 300 million strong flock


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Flock me




Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 6 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Favoring the underdog does not make that my hero.

A underdog like myself as a native in kanada.


Assad, the underdog?

Tell that to the many yrian citizens that have died at his hand.

Is he any different than the colonial and Canadian governments that you talk about?

Message 7 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Ahenakew is not representative of the native peoples of Canada.  For once I would agree that he is a radical and is speaking his own thoughts, rather than the collective views of his native bretheren. 

Message 8 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

"I would agree that he is a radical and is speaking his own thoughts, rather than the collective views of his native bretheren. "


I think most fair minded Canadians agree with your statement. 


However, let us not think he is the only one expressing radical thoughts not representative of most aboriginals.

Message 9 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Now the tax puppets of kanada must bare the finacial burden. Ha Ha!


In a way, the natives of Canada are like the people of Quebec.  What they think they are entitled to and what they will actually get are not the same.  Quebec has set its sights on the province of Quebec that is show on today's map.  If one goes back in history, their land claim is probably significantly smaller. 

Who will decide what the natives get?  I doubt that it will be the natives themselves.  Will it be the World Court (whatever that is)?  WIll it hinge on Canada's repuation in the world?  Is any ruling made outside Canada binding on this country?

The natives deserve a settlement.  Many bands have already settled with the Canadian government - sort of a divide and conquer move by the politicos.  Those that are left.  They will get something - but what? 

In my view, if the natives set their sights too high, odds are we will still be talking about this a hundred years from now. 

The threat that the native cause will be resolved by violent action is just that - a threat. 


Message 10 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

In my view, if the natives set their sights too high, odds are we will still be talking about this a hundred years from now. 


Too high? How so? If you owned a lets say for example a 1000 acres of land.......why should you have to settle for anything less?



The threat that the native cause will be resolved by violent action is just that - a threat. 


Personally I feel if they all join together.......they could shut Provinces down with little effort. The First Nations people have waited for a longggggg longggggg time, why should they wait for justice any longer? India at one time got tired of waiting......so did the USA......so did the Irish and the Arab Palestinians.....and the Iraqi revolt against the British........and many other revolts through history where people finally got tired of waiting for......justice.


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

- John F. Kennedy

Message 11 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

@pierrelebel wrote:



"At his trial, he later recanted his apology and blamed his outburst on his diabetes, some wine and a change in medication,"


"Ahenakew was retried in Saskatoon in 2008. In February 2009, Saskatchewan Provincial Court Judge Wilfred Tucker acquitted Ahenakew because his statements, while "revolting, disgusting and untrue" did not show an intent to incite hatred"

Personally, and there are many natives who share my view.

the afn do not speak for the traditionalists. period!


He is a traitor in every sense from serving in the enemy military to accepting bs awards from kanada,to name a few.


He is entitled to his opinion like racists kanadians are entitled to theirs. racist kanadians far out number racists aboriginals.


nazi germany and the jews share similar circumstances with kanadian governments the past century or so and aboriginals.


Just different reasons for annihilation


A evil land thief in middle east is no different than a evil lanf thief in north america or even better kanada


I still respect your intelligence old man.





Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 12 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

@puckstopshere wrote:

Favoring the underdog does not make that my hero.

A underdog like myself as a native in kanada.


Assad, the underdog?

Tell that to the many yrian citizens that have died at his hand.

Is he any different than the colonial and Canadian governments that you talk about?

When you have the excited states of amerika(classic stone throwers in glass houses) breathing down your neck,your the under dog!




Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 13 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

@pierrelebel wrote:

"I would agree that he is a radical and is speaking his own thoughts, rather than the collective views of his native bretheren. "


I think most fair minded Canadians agree with your statement. 


However, let us not think he is the only one expressing radical thoughts not representative of most aboriginals.

If your refering to I old man,your seriously and terribly out of touch.

It's that naive that will have your grandchildren fighting a uphill battle against the future natives of the same generation.



Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 14 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

the afn do not speak for the traditionalists. period!


Part of the problem that natives face in Canada.

Until you can unite into one strong entity with one voice, the Canadian government will continue to play divide and conquer.

At times, the natives are their own worst enemies.  Canada will never be truly free for ALL Canadians until the native issue is resolved. 

And that won't happen as long as the natives are fragmented into groups - rather than united as one.

Message 15 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

racist kanadians far out number racists aboriginals.


That is no doubt true.  Simply because Canadians outnumber natives. 

Based on human nature, the percentage of racists in any given population is probably similar.

I would think that natives are no more or no less racist than any other segment of the population.


Message 16 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

Message 17 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

There is supposed to be a picture - not sure where it went.

I'll try agains.

Message 18 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

What I have found is First Nations people are angry and that is perceived as racist. Ask a Native why they are angry and they can give you history and facts...past and present.

Those who are racist towards the Native people are just racist and if you ask them why........they rarely have a solid answer.

Message 19 of 21
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El Assad Syria 1 charlie rose/obama 0

What I have found is First Nations people are angry and that is perceived as racist.


As I have said before, I worked for a native employer.  I did a lot of that work on a reserve.

I have experienced racism anger by natives first hand. 

The attitude was that no self-respecting white man would work for a native, so I must be a piece of **bleep**.

I treated the natives with the respect that I would have liked to have been treated with.  Didn't happen.

I was literally treated like a slave.  In the first three years, I was able to live with this as about 75% of my

time was spent off the reserve.  The last year (when the business physically moved to the reserve) was

the straw that broke the camels back. 

Why did I stay so long?  Have never been a quitter and have always been able to see the good in everyone.

Not so in this case.


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