Hey guys!
Before this becomes a blood bath of verbal warfare, please remember we are all here to learn from the posts, I would like to think those of you who provide interesting input!
All said and done, eBay is a tool, Paypal is a tool, as processionals, we can not charge a client more because we use an Eastwing hammer instead of a Dollar Store hammer. If Paypal fees are hurting your profit, then don't use the tool. Simple really!
I think it was best put by Malcolm when he said if you have to get profit from shipping you should look into other items to sell. Again, simple
In any business there are costs, everyone knows that auctions are a form a gambling, while some products might even cost you to sell them, at least you are not sitting on the stock and wasting time and money in making sure that it remains in good condition. On the other hand, a 2.00 investment at a garage sale, and wham 600% return, it is all in the draw of the straw, and that is what makes being a PowerSeller fun!
eBay allows you to charge a "reasonable" S&H fee, this can not increase with the price of them item, figure out roughly what it will cost you to list, pack, and post the item. Clearly mark what you intend to charge for S&H, remember higher S&H rates will push people away from your auctions, they will "look around" This is not good, if ones looks around enough they will find what they are looking for, and on eBay, most people are looking for deals!
If you charge a S&H fee, and imply that you have to cover materials, then the client gets an old supermarket box, chances are they will not come back, however if you use new packing materials, they get a clean, sturdy box and this makes them feel good. Or at least wrap the boxes in paper, show them that you don't mind working for your money. People will only complain when they feel cheated out of their hard earned money, if you over charge them, sweeten the deal with a small gift, or a hand written thank you letter, remember letters are always better when written with a fountain pen! And I know an UltraPlace to get some!
This is slowly turning into a novel, but I hope it has helped. There is nothing wrong with trying to get back some of the cost, just don't try to get them all back, and remain "resonable"