How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Sending to USA has been discussed here many times, but is there a way (beside USPS POBox) to receive in USA?

Why not PObox - despite friendly pricing, even size #5 is small. No, I don't need a loading dock, but one small shelf in a warehouse would help.

I know about forwarding services, but the savings with such services are negligible or none.
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

What do you want to have happen with the items you receive in the USA? (forward, held for pick-up, long term storage, order fulfilment).

If you have a USPS box they will card packages and hold them for 2 weeks. A private box (UPS Store etc.) will probably have the same basic policy but of course you can make alternate arrangements perhaps for an extra fee.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

recped, I am thinking on bulking purchases and pick them up.

Anybody has brought commercial items in the trunk of their car from USA? Can you share the experience? What is usual wait time on import customs?

Btw. UPS store just responded to my inquiry. They offer service even to people without mailbox and it's a nominal cost per parcel with only $1/day to hold. Good to try before I open the mailbox. Plus it's a real street address, not a POBOX.
Message 3 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Ok, so I added the UPS store to my eBay shipping addresses and asked my seller to redo the invoice with US address. Now it comes with my primary addres (Canadian) and when I change it, the S/H disapears and the edit-box apears beside each line. So I add the numbers and press Continue ... nothing, it strips the S/H completely. So I go back and add those numbers to edit-boxes again and press "Update total". Well, it clears all my boxes.

Seems like eBay broke something ... again.

How are we supposed to do business here if eBay keeps breaking stuff!!!!
Message 4 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Why are you fiddling with eBay as far as a second address? That's something you can deal directly with the seller or add it in PayPal if you are paying that way. (maybe I'm missing something?). When I've had purchases shipped to an alternate US address I just add it when making my payment (by PayPal mostly).

As for bringing commercial shipments back in your "trunk" should not be a problem. It's been YEARS since I've done it (at Fort Erie), in "olden times" (pre-computerization) it took several hours after you submitted the paperwork to get a release but I expect that it runs MUCH faster now if the speed at which one-off shipments are now cleared at Pearson is any indicator. Unlike going into the USA doing the paperwork yourself is pretty easy even if it's a very high value shipment. Customs should help you the first time through and after that it's really just a matter of copying the forms and changing the values. Once you know how to create a "Customs Invoice" and complete a B3 form you can do the paperwork in 5 - 10 minutes and probably wait perhaps 30 minutes for your release.

Back in the day it was cash or certified cheque only but you should be able to pay with a credit card now.

All the info you need can be found here:

If it sounds isn't!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 5 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Why are you fiddling with eBay as far as a second address?

Because I perhaps don't know how to do it right? Plus eBay Checkout DOES support multiple shipping addresses and it offers a choice when checking out. So I don't see why the functionality that is being offered does not work.

Perhaps one of the reasons why eBay is being wieved like a 2nd grade sales channel, garage sales of sort, is because this cheap feel unfinished rarely working tudili-dudily mom-and-pop-shop interface they maintain.
Message 6 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Community Member
In order to bring commercial goods back into Canada, yes you will need to do a B3 Entry. Along with that, you will need to complete a Canada Customs Invoice (CI1 Form). Both forms are searchable at

Depending on what you are importing, you may also have to have other documentation. Best to stop at the Canadian Side (go to the Commercial office at a larger Port) before leaving Canada to ask what is needed and they can provide you with the information.

Please note, when you come back to Canada with your goods, the Inspector is not supposed to help you fill out the papers. It is your responsibility to present the papers properly. That's for the Inspector's protection because if he does it for you and fills in something in error or misinterprets what you say and when the goods are examined and penalties can be makes it real difficult to do that if the Inspector did the paperwork for you.

Commercial goods are not subject to PST (at least in Ontario), but are subject to GST and any duties. You'll also need an Importer Number too.
Message 7 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Thanks 3jcc14. I already had my parcel shipped to UPS Store I mentioned, so next week I will be going through this. This time I will not be saving too much after UPS store non-mailbox customer fees and the gas spent, but want to try self-import out.
Message 8 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Check the two guides on this page

I urge you to study them, they are excellent step by step guides.

the Inspector is not supposed to help you fill out the papers.

While this is true Customs have always had a consistent policy whereby they will assist first time importers and of course they are there to answer ANY specific question you have. The more knowledgeable and prepared you are the better the experience will be. One thing for sure you don't want to ever find yourself telling THEM the rules, they don't take kindly to uppity clients or liars.

Remember, 99% of the deal is all about coding the forms correctly, make one single error and your paperwork will get spit back in your face perhaps accompanied by a stern lecture or a heavy sigh and rolling of the eyes.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 9 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

recped, thanks for the link. Very useful.
Message 10 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

So we did the trip, I took the family along so we could do some shopping.

UPS store was no brainer. Most cars before the store were Canadians picking their parcels. So I put myself at the waiting list.

When we came to the border, I followed the signs. They said "Trucks", "Autos" ... and "Trucks" sometimes changed to "NO cars allowed". It was actually the faster lane out of the three.

When I came to the booth, I told the guy I have approx $60 worth of personal and $100 worth of commercial items. First he looked confused, then he gave me yellow note I was supposed to take to customs. What was stopping me from just drive away, I am not sure, he just looked at our passports and did not record anything anywhere.

When I came to the customs office they told me I was supposed to go back and use the truck lane. Hello!!! Is says "No cars allowed". Anyway, I asked if there was another way to get out of the border faster, because I had a customer coming for local pickup today. Yes, sure, just claim it as personal and run it through your books, they said. Fair enough, I went and they charged me taxes on code "Miscellaneous" on entire amount $160. Only later I realized, there was supposed to be a $50/person duty free import, which they did not consider.

What a charade.
Message 11 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

One question for those who might know.

How to request PST overpayment refund? GST is simple, I just add any GST that was paid on exported inventory as credits towards GST owing. But PST does not work that way and often there is no way to separate it - as I mentioned customs assigns it automatically, or some suppliers do not acknowledge PST exempt status for the purchase because they are just too lazy to keep the certificates on file or do not have electronic tools to handle it.

For that matter, we do not accept any PST exempt certificate from my buyers because do not have means to apply it automatically and do it manually for every purchase would be just too much.

So ... how to get the refund of PST overpayment?
Message 12 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Community Member
If your doing any sorta real buissness and bringing it over your gonna get harrased by the boarder guards been there done that not doing it again . 😄
Message 13 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

So ... how to get the refund of PST overpayment?

There's a line for adjustments on the remittance form, I think there is something on the back where you provide the details (it's been 8 years since I've seen the form).

I suspect you gave up the personal exemption when you declared commercial goods.

What was stopping me from just drive away

They have a photo of your vehicle and plates, if it was Fort Erie there was often an RCMP hidden around the back somewhere and that highway makes you easy pickings as there is often an OPP hanging around.

Doesn't sound like things have changed too much, I used to make the weekly run in the late 70's.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 14 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

Community Member

If you made a same day trip, then technically, you have no personal exemption. You have to be gone for 24 hours for the $50.00 Personal Exemption to kick in and if you exceed that amount, then you pay GST/PST and any duties on the whole amount. In theory, if you bought a can of Coca-Cola (which is subject to GST here), you can be sent into the office to pay the GST owing on the can of Coke.

Most Ports of Entry have an "unofficial house minimum" for same day trips where if they the amount owing is under $5.00 of Federal Taxes (GST and Duties), they don't send you in to pay. This house minimum varies between Ports. For commercial goods, you pay GST on the first dollar.

I've never been to Fort Erie but I'm guessing it is the start of the summer student season and the vast majority of them don't know or work commercial operations and I'm guessing Fort Erie has separate Traffic and Commercial Offices within the complex.
Message 15 of 16
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How to receive US shipments in USA for pickup?

3jcc14, we went through Lewiston not Fort Erie, but I am not sure if it makes any difference. The officer in the booth was older guy and he seemed pretty annoyed when I told him I had items for declaration.

Next time I will go through the trucking lane. I am hoping I will be able to claim PST exemption.

Also would like to start using USPS, anybody knows what do I need for importing to US and import for reexport (international parcels send via USPS) ?
Message 16 of 16
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