Oh my.
At this very very late date, your best bet is to phone your credit card company, IF you back your Paypal account with one, and ask if you can get a chargeback.
'There are strong Buyer Protections in place here, but there are also deadlines.
EBay allows Disputes to be filed for 30 days after the projected delivery date.
Paypal allows Disputes for 180 days (six months) after purchase.
Credit cards vary, although more than six months is unusual.
If this ever happens again, if the seller cannot give you the date and service of shipping PLUS the tracking number of your purchase, immediately go to the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and file a Dispute.
You will be refunded in full.
And any feedback below 99% is poor. Below 98% is horrible. Don't buy from such sellers. Your guy had over 900 negatives in the past year.