I was clicking a Buy It Now item, a KIS 2013 3 Users CD software #281049704772, it went straight to Pay Total with Paypal but I wanted the Seller to add her option mentioned in the description for another $5.00 to pay for extra shipping of this software instead of just the key code sent by email. Don't know why but I could not find the Request the Total button for the Seller to give me the added cost to this bill, but then for some reason I went back to My Ebay and found this item was not yet bought, even though I did click on that Buy It Now button which led me to the Pay Total page. I don't want to click this item again the second time in case the Ebay site might decide to process my first purchase later with this second one, and I don't want to pay for 2 of them. Is anyone else having some issues with that Buy It Now button?