Hello 'dongormac',
<< Identical item being offered for sale now by two different sellers . . .
This seems fishy. Not sure whether this should be reported or to whom.>>
It sure is odd, alright. One seller claims to be in Ottawa, the other in Quebec. Yet the listings are identical so I'd say
they are probably the same seller.
I think if it were me I'd send the seller of the first item a message including the second listing number, and ask him
if I were to buy both items, - what would I be likely to receive?
And I would do the same with the seller of the second item, showing him the first listing # and again asking what I
can expect if I buy both.
The photos are identical even if he has many blocks of 'like' items, if there was something specific about these 2 that
a buyer wants, he clearly only has one of them.