09-24-2013 10:49 PM
I have recently noticed that ever since sellers are automatically enrolled in the "global shipping program" (i.e. sellers get enrolled when sellers click "accept" to conditions I am sure they have never even read) for sale listings for anything shipped to Canada have changed for the worse. Now shipping is automatically priority which is often double the cost of first class and there is an "import charge" on top of that. This import charge is applied regardless of where the item was made (American made products should not have duty if made in the USA- its called FREE TRADE!). Furthermore, I have no idea why there would be an import charge for preowned children's clothing (and neither do the sellers I have asked the question to). These shipping settings automatically show up without the sellers knowledge and are ridiculous. Sellers don't even know about these charges half the time. I have had to send a screen shot of the listing to make one seller finally understand what was happening on my end!!
If your sales have dropped off this might be why!!
As a buyer, at first I was happy to simply contact sellers before bidding. They would gladly change the settings and everything would be OK however it seems like I am doing this way too often and it is just not worth my time anymore. Especially when I have to educate sellers about how to opt out of the global shipping program which is not easy to figure out if the seller doesn't even know they are enrolled in the program in the first place.
If sellers don't get up to speed and opt out of the global shipping program (which is just a matter of a few clicks and easy to do) I won't buy from you. Luckily most big sellers and businesses have already done this. Its the smaller sellers who really need to hear this message.
09-26-2013 08:52 AM
The reality is buyers end up paying SIGNIFICANTLY more for shipping and fees so they won’t bid as high and sellers will make less of a profit. Its simple.
Under certain circumstances the buyer can wind up paying less.
Heavy items sent to Australia can be notably cheaper in carriage and if valued under AU$1000 no import tax is due. There are also other special cases but they take a pretty good knowledge of the alternatives to find. A 20 pound package sent to Canada valued at $120 would be cheaper for the buyer even if no taxes had been paid but USPS shipping used. This is from an actual case followed in detail all the way to delivery.
In general, sellers will lose out, in general, buyers will be deterred. This is certain, and the marketing of the program has led to a huge amount of confusion with ignorant sellers colliding with affronted buyers like streams of hyper fast hadrons in the VLHC, giving off a shower of particles of ill informed opinion.
So common are misinformed objections aired that the genuine and serious objections tend to get lost in the flood.
It is also possible to get fed up with seeing these same ill informed objections posted time after time. Does no-one ever read stuff already posted?
The type of seller who will manage this well will already be an experienced shipper without the GSP, the type of buyer who will cope with this scheme well will be one who understands what is going on and although avoiding it will be the usual best option, just now and agin it may make sense.
If, when the fireworks die down, and only sellers who understand how to take what small advantage they can from the system are still registered for it, I expect it to be shelved with no great fuss as simply not economic to run.
09-26-2013 09:04 AM
It MAY work out for a small percentage of items, but that does not even come close to justifying the program's existence as being in the best interests of Canadian buyers.
Is there any reason at all that the program should be in the best interests of Canadian buyers. Or indeed anybody except ebay profits?
I'm befuddled at the way the program is defended so passionately by some, but to each his own.
If not being vitriolically opposed is 'defending passionately' then count me in.
I have never seen any regular and few occsional posters with any inclination whatsoever to defend this misconcieved cockatrice of an idea.passionately or otherwise.
The only passion shown is in pointing out some simple mistakes of fact found in many objections. Pointing out that things are not quite as stated does not constitute defense.
Simply going along with the screaming mob is not an option unless you too are of a mind for a riot.
09-26-2013 09:19 AM
Since this is a Canadian discussion board discussing Canadian interests, why would you expect to see anything other than Canadian points of view as it applies to us?
The defense for the program stems from the idea that is works for some of the items some of the time.
I'm neither here nor there on that and I'll accept that as fact.
However, what is the point of pulling out the few transactions the program clicks for and defending it on those grounds?
You seem to object to the "way" buyers are articulating their complaints.
Buyers just want to shop in a pleasant environment and get more STUFF.
Buyers Just Wanna Have Fun!
They don't want to have become the Einsteins of the shopping experience.
09-26-2013 11:05 AM - edited 09-26-2013 11:06 AM
Since this is a Canadian discussion board discussing Canadian interests, why would you expect to see anything other than Canadian points of view as it applies to us?
The points of view are of course Canadian, the best interests of the GSP designers were those of ebay shareholders, and it to that interest I referred.
The defense for the program stems from the idea that is works for some of the items some of the time.
I'm neither here nor there on that and I'll accept that as fact.
Hardly a defense, merely measured criticism. Generally speaking a trial is preferable to a lynching.
However, what is the point of pulling out the few transactions the program clicks for and defending it on those grounds?
The point is to be rational and balanced, to mute rowdy noisemaking with due process. It is also fair, and I thought Canadians were keen on fair play. I klnow I am and I'm not even Canadian.
You seem to object to the "way" buyers are articulating their complaints.
Not all posters are moderates, or there would be no need for moderators. There are plenty of sensible posts, and some that are not.
Buyers just want to shop in a pleasant environment and get more STUFF.
Buyers Just Wanna Have Fun!
They don't want to have become the Einsteins of the shopping experience.
Fine with me if they don't want to learn, but some will, and that's what matters. The more you know, the more pleasant the experience is likely to be, and the fewer the nasty surprises.
09-26-2013 11:35 AM - edited 09-26-2013 11:38 AM
Has there ever been a topic which received a greater number of posts or received more attention on this discussion board than the GSP?
Buyers are coming here to vent, and for the most part they are emotional, angry and frustrated when they post.
Why would you expect a poster to to get logical and sit back and post what seems sensible to you?
These hit and run posters rarely stick around to hear anyone else's logic about Canadian tax laws etc.
They already know or don't care.
I've learned how to make the GSP work for me (this is my job) but buyers are coming here to vent and only know their buying experience has been ruined or made less pleasant at best.
I think we're all pretty much tuned into the fact that the program is here to stay.......... Perhaps for good.
The only outlet most buyers have is to vent, and saying that they don't do that to your standards or the way you'd like them to and suggesting that there is something wrong with that .........
Well: Really?