07-09-2014 02:01 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm a small fish. A few sales a week for the last two years or so...
However, june and july (no sale so far in july...) have been horrible. I tought it might just be me, so i checked out the Sellers discussion board on eBay.com....
I invite you to do the same. Very interesting...
Pretty much every seller is experiencing a huge decline in sales (up to 90 % for some established sellers...) since may, and the consensus seems to be that eBay's incompetence is the cause...
Am i right to be worried or is there a silver lining somewhere?
07-09-2014 02:35 PM
07-09-2014 02:43 PM
With all do respect, this has nothing to do with my point...
What eBay did in 2013 is irrelevant to the current situation, since the huge drop in sales (and in traffic) happened in may... And traffic is the life and blood of any Internet business....
Mind you, things might get back to normal in the next few months, if eBay reacts correctly...
However, i think the Google search engine problem and the hacking incident are having a bigger impact than we realize.
The next quarterly results should however tell us something....
07-09-2014 02:49 PM
Enabled Commerce Volume, that was the phrase I was looking for. From the eBay Inc. Reports First Quarter Results, http://blog.ebay.com/ebay-inc-reports-first-quarter-results/, ".....with total company enabled commerce volume (ECV) increasing 24% in the first quarter to $58 billion".
First quarter of 2014 vs first quarter of 2013, business is up 24%.
- PayPal net total payment volume (TPV) grew 27%
- Merchant Services volume up 32%
- Global on-eBay penetration increased to 78.9%.
- eBay Marketplaces gross merchandise volume (GMV) grew 12%
- Marketplaces gained 4.7 million new buyers to end the quarter with 145 million active buyers, up 14%
- eBay Enterprise gross merchandise sales (GMS) grew 16%
- Enterprise enabled its clients to grow same-store sales 11%
What does all this mean? Double digit increases in a time when inflation is averaging around 1.5%. Customers are there, discretionary spending is there.
07-09-2014 02:58 PM
Like i said the double whammy (Google problem and hacking) happened around may. The next quarterly results might not be so pretty.
How are your sales going since june? Anybody?
07-09-2014 03:02 PM
07-09-2014 03:13 PM
Those projections are fine if the traffic stayed the same. I don't think eBay expected the current problems though.
You don't think that the traffic has substantially declined in the last two months?
07-09-2014 03:23 PM
Hi everyone,
Probably it is a sectory problem (type of item sale)... Mr Elmwood I need to give chiboukiqc my support because I'm in the same situation than him. Very small seller (electronic) with a very good sale cadence in the beginning of 2014 and since may sale are almost reduce to none.
It is not because, globaly, ebay was on a good mood, at least 2013, that we are not having few glicht now (july 2014)...
07-09-2014 03:27 PM - edited 07-09-2014 03:28 PM
There is a huge gap between
"eBay a sinking ship...." and "traffic has substantially declined in the last two months"
There can be no question that many sellers experienced lower traffic resulting in lower sales level in the last six weeks. The changes at Google and the security breach at eBay are to blame.
Substantial? Impossible to define or even quantify at this stage.
I would guess a 5% to 10% drop in traffic from the level that was expected.
The next quarterly report for eBay Inc is scheduled for July 16th 4:30pm.
Many questions may be answered at that time.
07-09-2014 03:38 PM - edited 07-09-2014 03:39 PM
You're right,"sinking ship" might have been a little much, but no sales in 2 weeks (compared to 4 or 5 a week) will do that... 🙂
I don't know if you read the Sellers discussion board on eBay.com, but a 5 % to 10 % percent decline in traffic seems very, very optimistic. The Omniture traffic reports seem to indicate much worse.
I do hope you're right though.....
07-09-2014 03:59 PM
"Omniture traffic reports seem to indicate much worse."
When I check my own traffic numbers, the drop is more than 5% to 10%. However, some sellers have not experienced a drop at all. Much depends on the type of products you sell and the type of customers you have.
There is no point in speculating. We will have more factual information a week from now.
07-09-2014 04:38 PM
One sellers' experience is not anothers'. My sales are doing just fine and are ahead of budget. To me, traffic has little to do with sales. I do not want 100 people looking, I want one person buying. I am focused on the one.
Lookers do not buy. Watchers do not buy. Traffic does not buy. Only a buyer, buys. My aim is to get that one person.
As Janelle Elms said to me at eBay Radio Party 2010: "It does not what what they look for, it matters what they buy".
07-10-2014 02:02 AM
OK, Mr. E., you're right about one seller's experience not being another's, but please try not to be so smug! You're making me feel miserable in my current state!
You sell stuff that people need -- practical, necessary stuff. Cars always break down eventually and need new bits and pieces.
Some of us, on the other hand, sell interesting and even beautiful, but admittedly useless and impractical stuff in any sense of the everyday necessities of life. These things involve discretionary spending and probably some impulse buying. Those seem to be the dollars (or buyers) who have vanished in the past 2 months. As hard as I have tried in the past month (and believe me, I've really worked at it) I can't seem to scare up more than a trickle of small sales in the past week. The last sale prior to that was weeks ago - unprecedented for me. I'm beginning to look at the time input involved for me in listing on eBay and wondering if my store is going to remain viable after all these years. Meanwhile, eBay keeps on taking my money every month...
The thing is, this slowdown (die-down?) does seem different from previous seasonal fluctuations or what I used to call occasional "black holes" that lasted a week or two. This feels big, bizarre and ominous. Maybe that's what the OP meant by a "sinking" feeling.
07-10-2014 09:53 AM
Rose? I did not know you were in a state, I thought you were in the province of Nova Scotia? LOL!!!
Smug is not my point. My point is the same as always. People come in, post absolute statements, which cannot be substantiated: "eBay is a sinking ship".
I provide all the financial detail proving the exact opposite. I invite them to post their supporting data. That is usually met with "I just know".
Had the OP come in with: "My sales are in the dumpster, can anyone help?" then we start lining up with our various ideas. Not what happened. OP came in blaming a soul less venue for their problems. You know I do not like external blaming, aka, one finger forward and three back.
For example, there is you. I have never once, not even close to you suggesting, that your health and welfare is the direct result of anything eBay does. You are the proto-typical "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Tell me, Rose, why don't you blame eBay for anything or everything?
I am up to my eyeballs in "Now what do I do". More than you could imagine. A whole bunch of my decisions have put me in a place where I sure wish I could resort to finger pointing. I cannot. Why? I made the decisions that led me to where I am. Don't like where you are, make different decisions.
I had a philosophy, when I was working and managing liquor stores. When things went right, I applauded my staff. I told them they were the best. I told the world they were the best. Any and all accolades I pushed on to them. Should something go wrong, well, that was my fault, not theirs as I was the one who directed them. My staff were never going to take any heat for mistakes caused by my decisions.
I never blame externally.
07-10-2014 10:14 AM
You make a lot of good points and i like your philosophy overall.
I generally like eBay, otherwise i wouldn't be here. Selling on eBay is basically just hobby. If i really get fed up, i'll just do something else 🙂
But i do blame eBay for :
A) The way it handled the hacking incident;
B) The search results problems with Google which is hurting traffic and could have been avoided.
Not all problems are eBay's fault, but some are. And I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing that out.
Like i said above "sinking" might have been a little strong; then again, sinking generally start slowly....
07-10-2014 10:47 AM
" Now what do I do "
Same thought ran through my mind two days ago.
Skunked four times this month up to & including the 9th, Ouchie.
Auction Promo 2/100, Double Ouchie.
I never blame externally.
Weird as traffic is half of what it was this time last year & yet sales are up 15%.
Of course that increase could drop rather quickly in the next six months.
Resell Purchases are down just over a grand, the pre-loved shirt/jersey market is dead, so there is a positive.
07-10-2014 11:04 AM
A few interesting facts concerning Google searches :
From an article by James Robinson published on pandodaily.com :
" According to analytics site SEMRush, in April eBay had 8.4 million search terms placed in Google’s top 100. In May it had 7.8 million. This month, it has just 5.4 million. But it’s also less about how many search terms eBay has in the top 100, than where those search terms fall. In April, eBay placed in the top five of Google’s search results for 3.5 million terms. Now it is in the top five for just 1.1 million queries. It was placed on the first page of Google’s result for 5.4 million search terms in May, but now makes the top ten for just 2.5 million terms."
07-10-2014 12:11 PM
@chiboukiqc wrote:Hi!
You make a lot of good points and i like your philosophy overall.
I generally like eBay, otherwise i wouldn't be here. Selling on eBay is basically just hobby. If i really get fed up, i'll just do something else 🙂
But i do blame eBay for :
A) The way it handled the hacking incident;
B) The search results problems with Google which is hurting traffic and could have been avoided.
Not all problems are eBay's fault, but some are. And I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing that out.
Like i said above "sinking" might have been a little strong; then again, sinking generally start slowly....
Even though nothing actually happened, yes, I agree, A could have been handled better. Particularly in the wake of the Target fiasco. The media made a non-event into an event. Still, eBay should have been ahead of the curve.
B has been a point of discussion for several years. For several years there have been arguments pro and con regarding Google or another search engine. I am on the fence as to the effectiveness of Google. People I talk to, either swear by eBay, or have no use for it at all. No in between.
Does Google generate buying traffic? Is Google merely an advertising billboard that most searchers ignore? I would like to think that the Mother Ship is aware of the best avenues for directing searching into buyers. I don't know and they are not going to tell me.
I follow what eBay says is best practices. Now, to me, "best practices" means those things that they have found do the best at generating sales. In return they have promised me buying traffic.
eBay's responsibility is to its' shareholders, only. Shareholders want two things, an increasing share price, and dividends. You could probably make it one thing, return on investment (ROI). They have no other obligation. How that is accomplished, the shareholders do not care.
Any seller, or buyer, who thinks they have any importance to eBay is wrong. We can all be dismissed today if the ROI can be achieved elsewhere.
The global company of eBay is making piles of cash and growing at double digit speed. If that is the company not doing well, I do not know what is. If you do not own shares in eBay, they have no accountability to you.
07-10-2014 12:52 PM
I pretty much agree with all your points...
However, if you pay eBay $XX dollars a month to have a store or to list items, eBay does have a responsibility to give you the services you pay for, which include taking the necessary steps to bring buyers to eBay.....
Nobody would pay for a stall at a flea market with no buyers....
07-10-2014 01:15 PM
I am on the fence as to the effectiveness of Google.
Ditto, I feel the same right now in regards to Omniture Traffic as sales are still up over last year with half the traffic.
I've just come to the conclusion that potential buyers are not interested in my items on those skunk days.
Do Auction Promo Listings lead to sales of My Buy It Now Items, who knows, but the turn on Auctions is very poor.
May not be worth the time spent listing Auction Items.
I'm going to leave the Store as is until Sunday night since other than a handful, all items are listed.
If the cycle continues, I can look at another plan of attack starting Monday.
A few days off, other than packing & shipping, sounds like a good idea.