Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

I look at the weakly boards and I am so confused as to what ebay is thinking these days ..


This whole seller pays return shipping .. Does that not defeat GSP programs that Canadians almost died over..


Ebay drives Canadians crazy with the GSP programs ( They say boosted international sales)


Now they make a rule that will have US sellers cutting off international sales because no seller is gonna want to eat a $25 trackible return from Canadian buyers and even higher for other international locations..


So what See is the create a rule to boost international sales then create a rule to kill international sales ...Someone smoke a little too much pot somewhere ...


I for one will Stop all international sale Except to the US is this rule plays out how it looks like it will.. Pay $30 for return shipping on a $5 movie .. This is the like the best way possible to bankrupt your business specially sense we all know many buyers file these case for way more reason then then truth.. I currently have a I not Received case open because a buyer want to cancel a purchase already shipped...



HOW HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW CAN EBAY MAKE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING EASIER it is already easy and was even easier years ago ... Create a book called shipping for dummies and leave it at that ...



I think it is getting close to the time where other ventures can start capitilizing on ebays mistakes and get back to the basics because ebay makes nothing easier and everything is just getting worse and more complicated ...


Once enough sellers have to pay $30 for a Canadian to return a $3 item they will feel the hurt .. Imagine China and hong Kong ... I would pay $80 to return a Wii remote with tracking so not that seller that Sold and shipped $20 all in is going to have to sell about 10-20 Wii Remotes to make up for one Return ...


OOOOOOOOOOOOO wow this is FAR WORSE then the GSP Program and in my opinion is going to kill international sales ..


Smoke another one ebay maybe next spring you will make it so nobody wants to sell anymore at all and all the Big companies Run far away from ebay with the small guys...


again soooooo happy to be closing my store next year ..

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Re: Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

Agreed, it seems counter intuitive to selling more items with less drama and in essence the same thing can occur now, just with a bit more communication involved


bad move ebay management, reconsider, and maybe lower your listing fees while you are at it, no more new buyers it seems, just our regular clientel, and everybody complains about the shopping cart not working and getting frustrated with the extra steps it takes to shop here now


did they all check out in upper management this year?

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Re: Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

It doesn't make sense to you guys because yer professional sellers. I "thin" that 10% of the sellers do 90% of the profit. The other 90% only do 10%.


Hobby sellers. people that don't care. The ones that still think they are gaming the system with a 99¢ listing and a $99 shipping charge. The ones that ship once a week with a statement "no returns".


It has been said that eBay is trying to get rid of the garage sale people. Not what they are selling, their attitude. The ones that call down buyers, insult them, leave false positives.


What they are doing is setting up professional standards that buyers can rely on.

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Re: Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

As a hobby seller since 1997 i take offence to your comment.Ebay with-out the hobby seller becomes a site for only commonly found goods,offered by the box stores and the Chinese, and loses the richness of items that created the site.The number of sites now taking parts of ebay's business increases daily. As an example now has more page views per month than to my professionalism, my 10,000 plus transactions with a total of 8 negs over 17 years thumbs his nose at you.

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Re: Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

Your offense is offensive. With a FB of 2650 you are hardly hobby. eBay is loosing nothing, they are gaining. Etsy is the home crafters eBay does not want. Yes, eBay wants exactly what you do not want them to become.


The other thing they want, regardless of what you sell, is 100% professionalism. The easiest way to do that is to put up barriers to keep the less dedicated out.


I "think" they have actually made it easier to stay in. They are giving more latitude for error, honest error. What they are trying to exclude, are the "I don't care" sellers.


You, obviously, do not fall into that category.

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Re: Is it just me or is ebay starting to make no sense

I sold on amazon for year a company that that does as well if not better then ebay and saying this is a move for professionalism well i`m not to sure about that as i know alot of professional well oiled sites without all the rules and regs but you could very well be right..


The only thing I know for sure is it is counter productive of the gsp initiative to ramp up international sales....


I read GSP programs will refund and not cost the seller making more opt into the programs..


if this is true how will it work is gsp really going to be willing to take all those loses on all those scams.. I mean it is a small amount but when talking millions even to have 1% of them scammers would be a huge hit to GSP wallets....


I mean there is nothing e bay will do that will stop me from selling but this new rule seems like nobody was thinking.... I mean if they really wantedto get rid of small sellers they could just do it by creating selling minimums and stop torturing them with new rules and regs...



This however will affect me as I will not sell international anymore because if i have to pay for 1 item with tracking to be return from a european country i will have to sell 10-15 movies to make up for it and that is something I am not willing to do but no biggie my international sales are pretty small amount of sales..

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