Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I noticed on .com on the "Canadian Mail ..." thread, you mentioned you send all your US mail in prepaids, then a few posts later, you mention that you send all your insured US packets by Express Post. Do you use the prepaid US Express Post envelopes to sent jewellery?



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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Glenda - when people pay for insurance, I automatically send the item in an Xpresspost envelope. I just buy a package of them when I get a chance so that I have them on hand. I have to buy United States, National and Regional. They come in packets of 4 and it saves money in the end, actually.

Jewelry fits fine in the envelopes, Glenda. I wrap them well in bubble wrap first and sometimes if it is a delicate item, I will place it in a padded mailer first and then put THAT into the prepaid.

Does that answer your question???

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Yep, thanks Jackie! I bought a few packs of the US ones just before the rates went up, and then they told me that I can't send merch. in them so I wondered if you were using them for jewellery and if there were any questions. Do you put a customs dec. on them?



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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Nope, they go just as they would were they carrying a document. I got told that once, that you can't use them for 'stuff' but everyone else seems to think it's ok. Out of 300 shipments to the States, I have never had one returned or arrived opened by Customs.

Too, I receive jewlery from the US in their 'priority post' envelopes and it's the same thing in reverse. Hasn't been a problem so far.

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Is it rather expensive Jackie? I really should check into it with my Post Mistress. She and I walk for an hour every day at lunch so I should find out. LOL
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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Deb, it's $8 and cgange, I think. It's been so long since I have bought a single one so I don't recall.

Sowwy 😞

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I tried to buy one today but was told it's for documents only. :o(
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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Buy the envelope and then fill it away from the counter.

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Deb, I was told that too. I'm still trying to figure out how come Jackie gets to send jewellery in them! Right now I'm working on my arguments to prove that turn of the century postcards are historical documents and meet the qualifications! I think it depends on which postal clerk you get when you bring the envelope in!! I bought 5 packs of 4 envelopes just before the postage rates went up, so I sure hope I can figure out how to use them!!!! What a waste if they won't let me ... I might have to send them to Jackie!



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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Post cards are documents.... hard to disagree with that.

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Unfortunately Jeff, when you sell them, they're also classed as merchandise!



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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Okay if I sell sheets of paper, they are merchandise, but by nature they can also be documents.....

A stock certificate is a document, but also by nature can be merchandise..... I can ship stock certificates as documents that value so why not post-cards?


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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Glenda - do you have to go to the same PO all the time? Just put some in one envelope and don't ask any questions. I'm sure it will be alright. How come I've been able to do that for 2 years without a problem??

I do know one thing though. The difference could be that there is an attached $100 insurance with every Xpresspost envelope and that will cover documents and papers. It will NOT cover merchandise. That's what I was told when I started out. Seems almost as though they say wehatever comes into their stupid heads, right?

I know someone else on here who does the same with the envelopes and I doubt that that person has had any problems either. Wish I could help more than that, Glenda 😞

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
Actually, I don't think Canada Post really cares what goes into them -- as I understand it, it's US Customs that has asked for that rule. They want to be sure there's no contraband and also that, if the documents are merchandise valued at more than $200, they get their duties (assuming it's dutiable - which vintage postcards are NOT).

Anyhow, I'm going to use them -- my post office branch pretty much lets me do whatever I want 'cause they think I know as much or more about the rules than they do! It's only when there's a new person on staff that my mail is checked, and even then one of the older hands usually tells them to not waste their time -- "she never makes mistakes!" lol


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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

I routinely use XPressPost document mailers for insured, quick delivery of DVDs, and in 1 1/2 years and at least 175 items sent this way, have never had one come back on me.

I've always suspected that *unofficially* this document-only requirement was more about ease of postal handling...to ensure that folks don't try stuffing them with all sorts or awkwardly shaped, oversized items, so that the delivery boys will only be carrying 'flats' or 'near flats' (i.e. more items, more easily organized, in less space).

Even if there is some *official* Customs reason for this requirement, I'd bet a Timmie's maple that you'll never have any problem with anything thinner or flatter than...say...a book or double-disc DVD.
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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I'm good friends with out Post Mistress (very small village I live in) and she knows what I send. She wouldn't care what I put in them but she told me, I can try it but it may get sent back to me, or worse yet, the person I'm sending the item to could get dinged for the full price of what it should be so I thought it best to not risk it. :o(
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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I have sent boxed items in them. I could just get the flap closed. They dont seem to care.
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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I was told in the beginning as well that we could put anything into an Xpresspost envelope as long as it stayed closed. rd just made me remember that. Is that an asinine statement or what?

So bottom line to me would be - if the post office doesn't have fixed rules, while all the time knowing that customs has it's needs...then the burdren should fall on the post office.

Look at us here. We all live in different parts of the country and we all have different info. Yet, one small fact remains the same. The bloody envelopes get thru, filled with crap and bobbles and ne'er a word is spoke on the subject.

As regards to the US situation, I have received many packages in their Priority Post envelopes which I believe are the same idea as ours and out of 400 purchases, I may have paid duties on 12. Not so bad. I just wish that someone would make some rules to live by and stick with them. I have no problem with that at all. But until they do, I will continue to ship in my l'il envelopes and get my bobbles to their new owners 🙂

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
I have found that if you send something that is bulky, in an envelope, as long as it meets the size limits they don't seem to mind, just to be safe, I slap on a CN 22, and have never had a problem.

In the case of an Xpress prepaid? That is the top of the line service, you will get away with more than a regular service!

Start out with one or two, then increase from there.
The post office is learning about us, as much as we are learning about them. Trust me, they do not want to loose our business!

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Re: Jackie - a Canadian/US mail question

Community Member
We have had 2 post offices tell us NO, they said they are only for documents and thats why we pay $16 to ship rather than $8 for an envelope. I guess its time to go to a new post office 😞

My mommy says i'm cool

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