Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
How many of you feel this way? It's been 3 weeks and I'm not into it anymore. I find so little money for a lot of work. People don't have bidding wars like they used to. Way to many watchers. I feel like stopping for awhile and it's my busy season. Advice would be great!
Message 1 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Take Bill with you.
Message 61 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Heat's too hot??? I know, a comidian hates a heckler in the audience. Take Bill with you. Good come back!
Message 62 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
why dont y'all just get off teas back and go out and enjoy the weather we have here (in southern ontario anyway) and get some fresh air and exercise instead of sitting on your buts on the computer. its a wonderful world outside so why dont you enjoy it while it lasts. it doesnt last too long in canada so make most of it
Message 63 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Boy, I second that last post!!!!
Message 64 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
So lets see, keeping score Bill's way:

Bill, Harvey, Anne, Monique, Judy were offended
Sunshine, Kat, Phil, Nailz & Eureka, not offended.

So why Bill, do you always seem to think you speak for a majority?? As many don't share your views as do. If you need help getting back on the high horse, I'm sure Harvey will help you up!!
Message 65 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
You speak for you Bill, just you.
Message 66 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Actually, tea, most people didn't see the post - including some on your 'pro' list who have already said they didn't see it.

If you are so convinced that it was funny and not offensive, stand behind your convictions and post it again so all can read it.

Ann(no e)
Message 67 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
I don't think anyone wants to see that particular post again!
Message 68 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Sorry, TPT, but I DID find your post offensive. I have lived in foreign countries and would have been totally humiliated if someone had made fun of my attempts to speak the local language. We all realize that it was an attempt at humour but I personally feel that you should know your subject well when directing derogatory comments his/her way. Just my two cents worth. You certainly did manage to "stir the pot".
Message 69 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
To get back "on topic" I have been finding sales quite slow lately as well. I am not totally bored yet but definitely getting a little frustrated with the way my EBay business is going. March was almost dead. Sales have picked up a little in the last couple of weeks. So, Sunshine, you are certainly not alone in your concerns.
Message 70 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Or have you forgotton that the above post was yours. You seemed to be making fun of a new english speaker there. Check it out for yourself everyone. Look at the chat at the very top of the powerseller's chat pages entitled Welcome to the Powersellers board to see how Jakeeangel really treats those with English difficulties.
Message 71 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Have a nice life.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 72 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Well, I have been reading this post over the last few days and I did see the "offensive" post and it was offensive and was rightly pulled from the boards. I just wanted my opinion added to the list. There you are tea ... another vote against.
Message 73 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
eureka9988, thanks for trying to get this thread back on topic - a vain hope! It seems that once our "friend" has hijacked a thread, he thinks that his comments are why we come back to see the answers!

tea_.... I've been around here for a very long time and I don't find your posts amusing - mostly disruptive and often offensive - I certainly don't come back to find out what you might have to say! I'm usually hoping you've decided to let people who know what they're talking about answer questions.

I know of many powersellers who've left the boards because of posters who've taken over the discussions - I don't like to do that because I don't feel like letting the trolls win! Bill, Ann and Monique, thanks for being some of the posters who have hung in, in spite of them!!! Good to see old friends here. Glenda
Message 74 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
I don't know who pushed the button but thanks for doing so.
Thanks for What? That somebody erase true because it is against somebody book!!! Perfect judgement!!!
Message 75 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Have a nice life.
How one who is not powerseller still can write on powerseller's board? Can somebody answer me!!!
Or how to get this privilege?
Message 76 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Bill, may be you can answer on my last question:How one who is not powerseller still can write on powerseller's board?
Message 77 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Now we talking about eBay rules!!! Are which the same for everybody or not? I believe you know more than me( you wrote book for dummies). May be she has two accounts on eBay but why account which show up on powerseller's board doesn't have powerseller logo???
Message 78 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
I bet you that it is 100:1, that you will not answer on simple question!!!
Message 79 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member

11. How do I add the PowerSeller icon and logo to my listings?

The PowerSeller icon next to your user ID can show buyers that you are an experienced seller. We recommend you display it with pride!

If you prefer not to display the icon, the option is located under My eBay --> eBay Preferences --> Seller Preferences.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 80 of 88
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