Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

I purchased an item back in April from ebay user "." They took it upon themselves to put me on their mailing list for their store (outside of ebay) "." I forwarded the original flyer to ebay spam and was able, at that time, to find where to make the official complaint about selling practices outside of ebay.


As you can see by this screenshot of the email there is no reference to ebay...How do I report these jerks?? Thanx:





Message 1 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Guess the screeny was removed - as was the seller's name. My bad. But if I could get a direct link for reporting the seller I would sure appreciate it. I've gone around in circles trying to find where to report...

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

To the best of my knowledge, the seller did nothing wrong, did not break any eBay rules by adding you, a customer, to his mailing list.


Many sellers do it.


Offering to sell different merchandise off eBay to buyers who have purchased on eBay is allowed.  There are no rules and no law against the practice.


If you do not want to be on the mailing list, write the seller and ask to have your name and email address removed.

Message 3 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Add it to your junk mail in your email account and they will just keep going to your junk mail after that

Message 4 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Fyi all though you may not like that seller has taking time to remember you were a customer .. Not to many sellers take time out of there day for that .. Not exactly a jerk

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Even though in my email reminder (forget what it's called right now) I've not ticked off anything to do with getting newsletters from sellers I've dealt with, veryoccasionally I do (like yesterday).  No problem, I just unsubscribe from their sent email.  I really don't see them as 'JERKS" - just a good marketing ploy.  As mentioned, just UNSUBSCRIBE - no biggy.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

A seller on eBay can only send promotional email newsletters to buyers who have asked for such emails to be sent.


Anything else is considered spam.....

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

"Anything else is considered spam....."


Sending email messages to customers and previous customers is not against eBay rules and policies. 

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

It is excellent business practice, it is up to the consumer to filter them out.

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Thank you all for your replies. I'm not sure I explained myself clearly however. The ebay user has not put me on his ebay store newsflyer - he has put me on his personal email list for his store outside of ebay. @pierrelebel of course I have asked to be removed - twice already, why else would I be so ticked off.

@brandeentertainment This store has nothing to do with ebay - he has used ebay as a means of getting personal email addresses to flog business outside of ebay. And yea, @angus_coin_shop you're right, spam has always been a great marketing tool.

I'm certain I read a policy somewhere about selling practices and offering to sell outside of ebay??? The invitations aren't to his ebay store, ebay isn't getting a cut, I didn't find his business somewhere on the Internet and purchase an item from it, I didn't give him my personal email address to add to his store flyer - this seller is abusing the access to personal email addresses, is directing traffic away from his ebay store and towards his own storefront.


Pfft, If using ebay to get contacts for your personal business is an allowed practice then color me purple - so much for privacy.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

"- he has put me on his personal email list for his store outside of ebay."


I understood that. 


Prior to my retirement I did the same thing with nearly 9,000 eBay buyers over the years.  Business generated by that list helped me build an online business yielding slightly more than eBay. 


Over the years a few recipients asked to be removed from the list.  I did.


On the other hand as a former buyer I also receive lots of emails from businesses still trying to sell me their products and/or services.  If I am not interested, I use the "Delete" button.


"I'm certain I read a policy somewhere about selling practices and offering to sell outside of ebay???"


No such policy.  Once a seller has completed a transaction with a buyer on eBay and paid his fees, the contact name and address belong to the seller, not eBay.  Policies on eBay prevent sellers from contacting eBay users to offer them goods listed on eBay for transaction outside eBay.  However, that is not the situation here.

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Ugh. Ok. Thanx for the input.

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

Just do not sell that list to someone else.


Privacy laws come into play....



Message 13 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

This thread has been cited as a source three years later. 


If anyone here still cares, it is, in fact, against ebay policy for a seller to collect a buyer's data and use if for purposes outside ebay. Because there are still sellers today who doubt this policy, I will be bringing the issue forward to Board Hour on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Ebay Canada staff will speak to it. If I am wrong, I will come back to this thread and the other(s) and correct it. 


It's near the bottom under the heading titled Spam.


What are the guidelines?

Spam (email)
We don't allow our members to send each other spam. "Spam" is an email (or part of an email) that is both unsolicited and commercial in nature.
Unsolicited means the person who received the message didn't request it. Commercial means the message discusses buying, selling, or trading of goods or services.

Some examples of spam include:
Unsolicited email offers sent to potential buyers
Email messages sent to a member on a mailing list without that member's prior permission
Invitations to join a mailing list that aren't related to your eBay Store
Offers to buy or sell off eBay
Email sent using eBay messages (or features such as the Contact member link) to send unsolicited commercial offers



Message 14 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

@mjwl2006 wrote:

This thread has been cited as a source three years later. 


If anyone here still cares, it is, in fact, against ebay policy for a seller to collect a buyer's data and use if for purposes outside ebay.  


I don't think it's a good idea to make a definitive statement like this until we actually do get clarification.  At least in fairness to anyone reading this thread, I think it would be appropriate to state the other side of the argument as well.  Clearly we have different interpretations of the subject in question. 


I and many other experienced sellers believe there is a distinction between eBay's jurisdiction in making rules for its own site and activities that take place entirely beyond that site.  That is, as long as communication takes place between private emails, outside of eBay, there is nothing eBay can do about it from a legal standpoint, and the laws of Canada are then the only laws that apply.  


All Raphael may be able to say is whether or not in his understanding eBay has any control once communication takes place outside eBay's site(s) or facilities.  I don't think he has the authority or purview to go any further, and to be honest, I'm not sure he can even go that far.  He can certainly explain how eBay's rules apply within eBay, but he he's not in a position to give a legal opinion on the use of email marketing outside eBay under Canada's anti-spam legislation.  He may have a personal opinion about it, but that's not the same.  To get that confirmation, we'll have to wait for a response from the OCA (Office of Consumer Affairs) to my query. 


I've re-read the .ca User Agreement and I can't find any language which refers to eBay owning its user (buyer) email addresses or controlling use of those emails once communication occurs outside of eBay's site(s).  If someone can point to such a clause, it might be helpful to submit it to an independent authority to obtain a ruling (which can certainly be done -- outside of eBay of course).  I'd be happy to do that. 



There is one other thing I have to point out.  In your post above you neglected to include the preamble paragraph in eBay's anti-spam policy (which is at the very top of the page in your link).  You've quoted the section further down the page out of context before, but the preamble makes all the difference.  It sets out the limits of eBay's jurisdiction with respect to spam, and needs to be read together with the text you quoted.  Here is the preamble at the top of the "Member-to-Member Contact" policy page.  (I've added the emphasis). 


"Members can send messages to each other through eBay. We encourage open communication between our members but we don't allow our members to use these options to send spam, offers to buy or sell off eBay, threats, profanity, or hate speech. We also don't allow members to exchange email addresses, phone numbers or other contact information, web addresses, or links within eBay messaging systems (Best Offer, My Messages etc.)."


The words "these options" refers to the various internal eBay messaging that is detailed further down the page.  Here is the .ca page on eBay that sets out the whole policy:


The operative sentence is in the third paragraph from the top of  that page: 


"Please remember that we don't have control over communication unless it takes place through eBay."


This acknowledgement by eBay is consistent with Pierre's understanding of the policy (and mine).  Still, it won't do any harm to have this statement confirmed or denied (assuming Raphael is the person to do so).  If Raphael does tell us that in his view contact outside of eBay is beyond eBay's purview to control or regulate, then we need to be sure we're complying with Canada's anti-spam legislation, a clarification of which I'm hoping to have next week from the OCA, as you know.  In that regard, I specifically asked the OCA about our situation as eBay sellers, i.e. whether the "implied consent" exception under the statute would apply to emails garnered from an eBay and/or Paypal transaction even if those emails weren't obtained directly by the seller but by eBay itself.   


In the meantime, until all of this gets cleared up, any sellers who may be concerned about whether outside contact by email with former buyers is permissible or not can simply postpone such activity. 


I think Pierre understood eBay policy better than most, but if he was wrong (which I don't think is the case), then certainly many of us will have to adjust our practices.  


However, this issue turns not on whether eBay has an internal anti-spam policy (which it clearly does, and which I'm the first to admit), but whether eBay's rules extend out into the non-eBay world.  Is Raphael the appropriate person to answer that question with authority and without prejudice?  I'm not so sure.  I think it would take an independent expert in international corporate/commercial law to be able to answer it fully and in an unbiased manner.  To be frank I'm not even sure I'd want to rely on eBay's own lawyers to answer that question with complete candour and fairness.  





Message 15 of 16
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Re: Report seller who sends me email flyers for his storefront OUTSIDE of ebay!!??

I said I would return to this thread, outdated as it is, and here I am. Today from Board Hour.




If you are having trouble viewing the screenshot, this is what it says: Boldface coloured text is my own emphasis. 


Re: November 23rd 2016 Weekly Session
in reply to mjwl2006

@mjwl2006 wrote:

My next issue. Now this has been subject of some, ahem, vigorous debate. 


Are sellers allowed to collect and utilize the email addresses of ebay buyers to subscribe those ebay buyers (without consent) to post-purchase newsletters for off-ebay website stores?


I say emphatically no (citing the ebay privacy policy prohibiting spam as I am interpreting it) but others disagree. I'm certain you will hear more about this today from (an)other member(s) so I will leave it at that. Please review the thread I cited above. 

There are a few things I will say about this. First, sellers aren't supposed to use your email obtained via an eBay transaction to try and drive their sales off eBay. For obvious reasons however, this is very hard to enforce. Second, with regards to CASL (Canadian Anti Spam Law), while it's true that implied consent grants someone who has previously done business with you the right to contact you, that is only true for a certain period of time, while expressed consent grants the marketer the right to contact for a much longer period. Everyone should familiarize themselves with the CASL finer details and act accordingly, and complain to the authorities if they feel they are being spammed by a seller who isn't following the rules.


Message 16 of 16
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