Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Does anyone know of a third party to retrieve Ebay transactions for more than three months. I missed to download Feb-April and there is no way to do it through Ebay. I have the Sales reports with totals, but from them I cannot figure out taxes charged.
Any input is greatly appreciated.
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Over 99% of our transactions are done by PayPal, and we keep paper copies of money orders and cheques received. Would going through your PayPal records give you enough information?

Message 2 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Yes, generally it will. It is something and I have my PayPal transactions.
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
eBay keeps the records in your Sales Reports for 18 months I believe. Check there.
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Yes, Sales reports are available, however I need detailed records to calculate taxes charged on Canadian sales.
Message 5 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
But it has that in there. Or the eBay invoices and maybe I'm mixing them up. One of the two. It lists the item number, listing cost, FVF cost, sale amount and I think the bidder ID. Could be wrong about the bidder ID though.

Those records are also kept for 18 months.
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
No sorry, my mistake. It's not the sales report but the eBay invoice should have what you need.
Message 7 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Yes and no. Yes, sold items can be extracted for the period, however it doesn't show where item was sold to. Link doesn't work anymore. I think I can go with an estimate for Canadian sales for the two missing months based on the rest of the year.
Message 8 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Bidder ID is not in the sales invoices.
Message 9 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Don't you keep your item sold emails from eBay? You should. That has the person's info. Now you have to do it the hard way. Take the item number from the eBay Invoice and plug it into PayPal, assuming that's how it was paid, and see who bought it.
Message 10 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
No, I don't keep the e-mails. All buyers information is in Items sold report (including taxes paid), downloaded through File Management Center from Sales Manager.
You are right - for couple of months I will have to do it the hard way, and generally will be accurate since most of the sales are through PayPal and not very many are from Canada. For whatever reason I've misled myself thinking that all this information is available for longer time, same as invoices and sales reports. PayPal statements (not transactions) are also available for only 3 months. I will have to pay for my mistake (and never do it again).
Message 11 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
You can get PayPal reports for a couple of years back. 2 or 3 I believe. I'd have to check for certain but I do know I've gone back a few years.

I get the PayPal reports downloaded into .csv format or tab delimited and import it into Excel. You can set the period for whatever you want, by the month or by the year. I know when I've been bad in January I've gotten the entire previous year from them.

Unless I'm not understanding you and you're talking about some PayPal statement through eBay. I'm referring to the ones you get directly from the PayPal site.

The PayPal report might be easier than plugging each item number into PayPal. You can set it for the period you need. Try that. Go to PayPal, then History, Download History and enter the dates you need and the format. In a few minutes you'll get an email when its ready, go back to PayPal and download it.
Message 12 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
What I meant for PayPal's monthly account statement is located in history (in your PayPal account) and it summarizes all types of transactions occurred in a day. This type of statement is available only for the past three months.
Message 13 of 14
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Retrieve history longer than 3 months

Community Member
Thats where gmail comes in very handy

I have all my emails sent there and diff. labels for sold items, unsold items, paid items etc.

all I would have to do at gmail is click on the sold label and all the sales would there

or I could just do a Search email at Gmail

very good mail client! 🙂
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