Return / Repair policies

Community Member
I'm in the process of creating a ME page with a well defined return / replacement / satisfaction policy.

As a newbie, I'd like some input if possible and / or experiences.

I mostly sell equipment, electronics, appliances, etc, and some collectibles. All used of course.


1) Does having a money back guarantee or return trial period significantly increase bidding prices? Is it worth the marketing clout?

2) What is a real world returns / unsatisfactory percentage of items you would receive?

3) Does having a satisfaction policy significantly reduce negative feedback? Does it stop an unhappy customer from becoming a full blown negative activist?

4) What would you consider a reasonable return policy, with specifics.

At present my experience with returns repairs has cost me money each time, but always resulted in a positive or repeat customer. There have been a few abuse instances, but I try to take precations (tamper proof stickers, etc.) to reduce that.

Any comments would be great.

Yours Truly,


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Return / Repair policies

Community Member
I have found that return policies make a world of difference. I promote the heck out of my liberal return policy in each of my auctions. The result being that I sell far more of my item at a BIN of $31.90 than my competition does (about 5 other sellers selling a similar item for $8.00).
Granted my item is better quality but somebody who is new to the industry would not necessarily know this. Out of about 3,000 online transactions I have had about 10-15 returns. The cost of accepting the return is negligable compared to the goodwill it creates in ones auctions. Knowing that the very rare return I get is a cost of doing business, I can go into each "problem order" with a no hassle attitude for the customer. Both the customer and I stress less about it! I Process the return and get on with businessa as I know that I have created tons more business by offering a very liberal return policy + 2 year replacement warranty.

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Return / Repair policies

Community Member
I also have a very liberal return policy. I believe it is important as it gives the prospective buyer a sense of security knowing he can return the item if things don't work out.....

Believe it or not, out of a few hundred transactions, I have only had a couple of returns.

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Return / Repair policies

Community Member
I have a very liberal return policy and I always send another if the person claims hey didn't get the first one I sent. It doesn't stop those negative giving crazies though as I've seen in the past year. Some people will give you a negative if you hand deliver the item and make dinner for them while you're there.

Be very careful with some of your items though as you are going to be "ripe" and "prime" for a lot of scammers doing the old switcheroo. The kind of items you are talking about are notorious for that type of thing....if things have serial #'s etc make note of them but be prepared that there are those out there who will buy your item, get it and switch it for their broken one or even parts. It happens all the time. There are some real creepy people out there so you need to protect yourself. Buy one of those invisible pen things and mark your items so you limit this type of thing.
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Return / Repair policies

Community Member
Thankyou for the excellent info. I agree with all your comments. Returns really are rare, and it's just part of selling retail items. Abuse in this environment appears to be actually less than in regular brick and mortar.

Sometimes I read on the PS board about "negative wars" with buyers which result in unbelievable nastiness. It seems much cheaper just to take the return or repair etc.


Kelvin & Heather

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