08-12-2012 12:28 PM
Buyer is in NY and I am in Canada. He charged $40 for shipping but it cost $19.12 and I figure $5 for S&H so I figure he owes me $15. What he did was come across the border and mail it in Canada. When I asked for a refund he stated that he already refunded me by mailing in Canada thereby saving me the duty. I said there is no duty on this item coming into Canada and if there was I would rather pay it to my government than an ebay seller in another country. I explained there is a sales tax, the amount depends on the province but that is collected by the post office.
He will not respond.
Any suggestions for resolution?
08-12-2012 12:41 PM
Learn this lesson.
You don't tell them, they tell you, if you don't like the terms, move on. This is a basic rule of ebay.
08-12-2012 02:59 PM
What that seller did was wrong and foolhardy if he did not declare and simply mailed on the Canada side. If that was the case their will be no taxes.
That said , you agreed to the $40.
08-12-2012 05:21 PM
08-13-2012 04:23 AM
It cost the seller money to drive across the border and mail from Canada.
Gas isn't free.
Shipping costs are more than the actual postage amount.
08-21-2012 08:27 PM
He drove from NY to Canada, crossing through bloody customs, and you are crying for 15 buck? Get real man! Are you aware of the price of gas these days? You should be giving him 5 stars on everything and don't be such an ingrate.