She’s married to a Trudeau, but Sophie Grégoire is not your typical politic
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02-23-2013 07:46 PM
If there is a handbook for being a political wife, Sophie Grégoire has just torn it up.
Maybe it helps to be married to Justin Trudeau, for whom the old rules don’t apply, or to be on the receiving end of good advice from his non-conformist mother, Margaret.
But in the midst of the Liberal leadership campaign, the 38-year-old mother of two is talking to a crowd of female schoolteachers in Ontario more like a New Age healer than a risk-averse political partner.
“Focus on your breath, the breath is the divine pulsation within,” she says in the ballroom of a Toronto hotel. And then she begins chanting a precisely articulated Sanskrit invocation designed to help her audience feel more blissful and aware about their often under-appreciated profession.
Ms. Grégoire is a recently qualified yoga teacher, energetic supporter of women’s issues and public speaker who believes in sharing her knowledge “with as much truth and authenticity as I can.”
In the murkier world of party politics, especially at the higher levels to which her husband now aspires, these are not necessarily qualities to be honoured. And that is what makes Sophie Grégoire deeply interesting.
To the mostly young female teachers, who can’t get enough of her free-floating candour, she offers up yoga-class insights (“The sacred feminine is on the rise”), tips from the dance teacher at her children’s daycare, life lessons from a hiking trip in Morocco and reassuring quotes from the collection of fridge magnets she picks up on anonymity-seeking family trips to Vermont – “I’m at that awkward stage between jail bait and cougar” gets a good laugh. So does “Tequila, because beer isn’t fast enough.”
Political advisers to leadership candidates are a nervous race, eager to stave off outbreaks of spousal personality before they become hazardous. Ms. Grégoire seems bound to ruffle the all-knowing backroom boys, if not the girls. But when she’s asked in a post-speech interview if the more sober members of Team Trudeau have started leaning on her, she laughs an uproariously independent laugh.
“They haven’t tried that out on me,” she says finally. “I think I have good common sense. I’m realistic enough to realize that sometimes, yes, I’m going to have to be careful. But to the extent of censoring who I am? No, I’m not sure that’s going to be necessary.”
In her political world view, truth and authenticity are paramount. When she introduced her husband at the launch of his leadership campaign, she says, “the one thing I wanted to share with people was the purity of his intention. He’s got brains, he’s got a great team, but beyond all that is the purity – it flows through his blood.”
They have that much in common, she allows. “What really drew me into his being was the child within. He is very present in his life in the best of ways, because he’s in tune with who he is. He’s done a lot of work to get to know himself, and I think we connect on that level: When we engage with people, it comes from a real place.”
That quality was very much in evidence at the teachers’ gathering, where one questioner broke into tears as she shared her experience of job stress, and many participants got personal hugs from the charismatic guest speaker.
But in other ways, Ms. Grégoire noted, she and her husband are quite different professionally and personally. “He tends to be more reclusive when faced with stress, while I tend to expand and talk it out. We’ve been very aware of our dynamics as a couple and we’ve worked that out – nothing comes easy.”
With political enemies looking for evidence to cast Mr. Trudeau as soft and naive, isn’t that a dangerous remark? “I don’t accept that,” she says. “What we need is more goodness in society, and people are ready to elevate not only their thinking but their awareness of human consciousness to a more refined place.”
Ms. Grégoire knows politics can be a dirty business, but she came round to the decision that it was time to share her husband with Canadians. She believes, after some consideration, that it’s possible for him to be both a good father and “complete his responsibility as a human being” – i.e. become a successful Liberal leader.
Although her daughter, Ella-Grace, and son, Xavier, are just 4 and 5, she thinks they have the inner peace to handle their father’s political accession. “I realize now, they were born to this. It’s normal for them when they see a huge group of people and everyone’s rushing up – they’re not stressed.”
As for how she deals with her husband’s absence, she answers, “I’m an only child and I’m very independent. I never feel lonely when I’m alone. I miss my husband, but our time together is so precious and so full that there are ways to make this happen.”
The twinned world of family and politics she inhabits is much different from that of her mother-in-law, but she couldn’t help but take in Margaret Trudeau’s words of wisdom. “She looked me in the eyes and said in one true moment: ‘Be wise, be grounded, protect the people you love. It’s not always going to be easy.’”
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02-23-2013 10:30 PM
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02-24-2013 10:49 PM
Maybe it is about time that Canada has a first lady that stands out.
The U.S. has had some amazing first ladies over the years. Michelle Obama has her pet projects and I am sure that she is one of the main reasons why Obama was re-elected.
Eleanor Roosevelt was a phenomenal first lady.
Here is Canada, our "first ladies" are almost hidden from view. They are like a silent partner to the PM - rearely seen and even more rarely heard.
Time to add a little flair to our national persona.
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02-25-2013 12:31 PM
Where does Trudeau plan to get his votes?
Quebec? The NDP crushed them there.
Ontarrio? Daddy Dalton messed up here big time.
Alberta? His Daddy screwed that up years ago and they have long memories.
The rest of Canada? Not enough votes to matter.
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02-25-2013 12:38 PM
The NDP only gained Quebec because of Harper. Ontario isn't representative of the Federal Liberals. Alberta......well their stuck in another world, so be it.
Trudeau is a whole new game in town for a whole new era. Hard to say how he will do, but if Canada needs anything desperetely it's..... 'change'.....and Trudeau represents that.
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02-25-2013 12:44 PM
I would rather vote NDP than for Trudeau.
I dislike Trudeau as much you dislike Harper.
The fact that Bob Rae is a Liberal guarantees they won't get my vote as long as he remains in the party.
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02-25-2013 01:05 PM
Re: She’s married to a Trudeau, but Sophie Grégoire is not your typical politic
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02-25-2013 02:23 PM
We should just get rid of the party system.
Wouldn't hurt my feelings. Just not sure what would replace it.
There are no "parties" in city politics in London.
Yet, we wind up with the Fontana 8.
It makes one think that crooks function better as part of a group (the mafia, comes to mind).
I can't imagine having 300 plus independents in Ottawa.
It could work.
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02-25-2013 03:51 PM
Just not sure what would replace it.
Independent regional representatives…..held to account by the voters.
There are no "parties" in city politics in London. Yet, we wind up with the Fontana 8.
That’s just bad voting on the part of the people. Few researched Fontana. I did and I don't even live there.
Like Harper got into power mainly because of the mistakes of the Liberals…..Fontana got into power because of Ann Marie (who isn’t looking all that bad anymore). London is a typical example of what politics is all about and the problem is the …….people. There should be 5000 people on city hall lawn telling Fontana to leave office. But Canadians are too complacent and all politicians know that and use that. When was the last time you went to City Hall?
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02-25-2013 04:10 PM
When was the last time you went to City Hall?
Don't go there often.
I do go to public meetings and watch bored councillors pretend to pay attention to what people are saying. I have gotten up to give my opinion.
It is an interesting process. People who support councils' position on an issue are addressed by name. If you are on the opposite side, you are barely acknowledged.
Councillors are generally rude, in that they will talk to each other when they are supposed to be listening.
You will have trouble getting 5 people in front of city hall. Most people are "too busy", don't care or don't think anyone will listen. The latter is probably the most truthful.
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02-25-2013 04:17 PM
Re: She’s married to a Trudeau, but Sophie Grégoire is not your typical politic
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02-25-2013 04:30 PM
Another Secret Meeting for Fontana 8?
Days before a final vote on the 2013 municipal budget, there are allegations of another secret meeting involving members of the so-called "Fontana 8."
A similar gathering around the same time last year at the Harmony Grand Buffet, only hours before a final budget vote, resulted in an investigation being launched by the Ontario Ombudsman.
This time, members of the Mayor's voting bloc gathered over the weekend at Billy T’s Tap & Grill on Highbury, north of Kilally Road. So far, it's been confirmed Joe Fontana, Joe Swan, Dale Henderson, Bud Polhill, Sandy White, and Stephen Orser were all there. It was not immediately clear whether Denise Brown or Paul Van Meerbergen were also in attendance.
Dale Henderson is so far the only Councillor in attendance willing to comment.
"I just had a coffee, and I happened to bump into Joe (Fontana), and I told him I was putting two more videos up on, and he was real excited about it." Henderson said.
When pressed as to whether anything else was discussed?
"Talk to Joe, Joe knows what happened." said Henderson before politely hanging up the phone.
AM 980 eventually managed to speak with Mayor Joe Fonatana Monday afternoon.
Fontana told AM 980, the gathering happened innocently enough, as he was already scheduled to meet with councillor Steve Orser at the restaurant that day.
"Just to be efficient, I had asked councillors Swan and Henderson (to meet) because of Economic Development and IEPC. I was having lunch, that's where I was, at Billy T's and I've been there many, many times. The fact that a couple more happened to wander in and decided to come in and have a hamburger, that's all we did," Fontana told AM 980.
Fontana added, at no time was the budget ever discussed.
"No, no, we never talked about that (the budget). It was a lunch, I was going to be there, and I had asked Stephen to come because he wanted to talk about McCormick. I made it clear that we weren't going to talk about the budget," Fontana said.
Bob Sexsmith, Chair of the Housing Advisory Committee, was also at the establishment Saturday.
"I was talking to Joe Swan, and Stephen Orser. Sandy White was there. Joe (Fontana), I saw him go in." Sexsmith said, adding he discussed an affordable housing mentorship program, proposed by Swan.
"I don't think it has anything to do with the budget." he said.
Calls to Sandy White, Stephen Orser, and Joe Swan have not been returned either.
"Nobody's a fool, we know what they were talking about. They're not just meeting to shoot the breeze about the World Figure Skating Championships coming to London. They're treating people like they're fools." said Councillor Nancy Branscombe.
"It's quite disheartening to see this occurring yet again, and they made light of it last time. My big fear last time, although the Ombudsman didn't find them 'guilty' - there was enough perception problems that they said we should be very careful. But, I didn't get the feeling then that any one of them thought there was anything wrong with what they've done." she said.
"And sure as shootin', here we go again."
The previous incident, referenced by Branscombe, is the now infamous Feb.21st, 2012 meeting at the Harmony Grand Buffet.
The Ontario Ombudsman ruled Mayor Joe Fontana, Denise Brown, Stephen Orser, Dale Henderson, Bud Polhill and Paul Van Meerbergen didn't contravene Municipal Act rules against politicians holding secret meetings, the get-together was labelled "ill-conceived."
"I am more disturbed by the fact that a number of council members gathered in the manner they did shortly before an important council meeting on the city budget. While these council members did not have the legal authority to exercise the collective will of council, the public impression left is still unsavoury," wrote Ombudsman Andre Marin in his report.
Branscombe says it's tough to say whether this latest incident might result in another investigation by the Ombudsman.
"I'm not sure that we get anywhere. I'm not sure I want to be the one to bring the Ombudsman in, there may be some citizens (who feel otherwise) as what happened last time. It's not right what they're doing." she said.
A final vote on the 2013 budget is scheduled for Thursday, February 28th.
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02-25-2013 04:36 PM
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02-25-2013 04:52 PM
I was having lunch, that's where I was, at Billy T's and I've been there many, many times. The fact that a couple more happened to wander in
Billy T's is rather an out of the way place. Not exactly a location you would wander into unless you had business there. When Joe was interviewed on AM980, he said that he was meeting there with Orser and "invited" several of the other councillors because he didn't want to be "running all over the city".
I wonder if they expensed lunch - of course if it wasn't a meeting, they couldn't. What, Orser pay for his own meal. Preposterous!
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02-25-2013 05:07 PM
"Talk to Joe, Joe knows what happened." said Henderson before politely hanging up the phone.
I guess the Fontana 8 cannot speak for themselves. They have to defer to him for answers to questions.
"I just had a coffee, and I happened to bump into Joe (Fontana)"
Especially if your story is different from the boss'.
Dale Henderson is the councillor for Ward 9 - the extreme Southwest of the city.
A long way to go to have a coffee at Billy T's.
The story STINKS!
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02-25-2013 05:19 PM
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02-25-2013 05:36 PM
Not sure who owns Billy T's.
It was called the Killaly.
Billy T was a regular and well liked by the owner and the other customers.
He was also known for helping others who were in need.
He was killed in a car crash and the owners decided to rename the place after him.
It is a friendly neighbourhood bar with good food. I have a friend who lives in the Subdivision behind it. We have eaten there a few times and enjoy the place.
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02-25-2013 06:43 PM
I will get flak for saying this, but imo and in spite of Fontana's corruption. He is still a better mayor than Anne Marie was.
If there an election today I would vote for Joe instead of Anne Marie.
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02-25-2013 06:47 PM
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02-25-2013 06:56 PM
I doubt that he will run in the next election. You can't do that while under house arrest.
I hope some one decent runs for mayor the next time.