I copied your reply into the proper thread in order to stay on topic with other one.
All my listings have the boxes as I always list in multiples anyhow.
Basically I have Domestic and International, whereas International has a USA category and one for the rest of the world.
In all cases "Flat Rate" service is selected from the pull-down menu. In the extra item box is $0.00 and apply my shipping rule "free" is also selected.
The glitch only affects some transactions, notably the ones where more than one item of the same is purchased. Some buyers are able to go through checkout with dozens of items, same and different, without problem. Others get charges double shipping when they buy 2 items.
I can’t seem to find a definite pattern but it is also happening to others as a competitor in the USA recently told me he is having the same issues.
When I manually generate the invoice it always adds up correctly, just not always when the buyer initiates this.
What I do come across on some manual invoices is that the system prompts me to remove a duplicate shipping service before I can send the invoice. In those cases there is an identical shipping cost line and I have to click on “remove”. Again, no pattern that I can see.
I think I have figured out at least part of the problem that is causing that combined shipping glitch.
I noticed that when revising the quantity of a listing from 1 to more, the boxes where you put the additional shipping amounts are not appearing in many cases. Once I noticed it I began watching to see how often it happens and it does frequently. If I then click edit before saving the revisions, the boxes then appear with the full shipping rate in the boxes for the additional items.
I am wondering if this was occurring during the last round of revisions resulting in many of the listings having the full shipping rate listed as the additional item fees.
There is another glitch which bugs me too. When you do a Sell Similar and try to change it from FP to auction or vice versa, the other option will not appear until you click Continue and then go back and edit the listing at which time it does appear. What a waste of time these things are during the busiest season of the year!