06-03-2014 12:27 PM
If we are apathetic and don't vote or care who wins, we deserve what we will get - another minority government.
It's time for a change. If you are a Liberal, yes I know that all governments have their skeletons, but surely it is time for someone else to form a government. We have all seen Premier Wynne's ad showing her jogging along a country road.
Have you noticed that she is running on the wrong side of the road? Let's put someone in who is running on the right side.
The following scams and mismanagement says it all.
Green Energy Act (20 billion)
eHealth scandal (almost 2 billion)
Gas plant scandal (1.1 billion theft and cover-up of our tax dollars
Deleting e-mails
ORNGE scandal (700 million)
Ontario Northland Railway scandal (820 million)
Caledonia Hydro Line scandal (116 million)
Destruction of the horse racing industry so that the American giants can bring in their casinos to the benefit of the Liberals pocket books.
Loss of thousands of jobs related to the industry and to Ontario’s agriculture.
Lobbyist scandal (two multi-million dollar scandals)
Eco-Fee Reversal scandal (18 million)
CancerCare Ontario scandal (millions of dollars)
Slush Fund scandal (32 million)
Niagara Falls Commission scandal
Ontario Power Generation scandal
Children’s Aid Society scandal
Nanticoke Coal Power Plant Shutdown scandal
G20 Secretly Approved Police Power scandal
Auto Insurance scandal
Foreign Scholarships scandal (our students pay the highest tuition in Canada while foreign students get free university educations)
Offshore Wind Turbines scandal
Samsung scandal (sole-sourcing)
Pan Am scandal (cost increase from 1.4 to 2.5 billion)
MPAC scandal (over and under-valuation of properties)
OLG scandal (millions of dollars)
Isotape Shortage scandal
Chemotherapy Dosage scandal
Payout for Pan Am CEO (250 million)
Trillium Wind Power and Sky Power Limited lawsuit (500 million)
Cement company lawsuit (275 million) - Quarry outside Hamilton was scuttled for political reasons
School bus service lawsuit
Augusta/Westland lawsuit as it pertains to ORNGE
Elliot Lake Collapse lawsuits (two lives lost due to recovery delays)
Ontario Medical Association lawsuits - applied to Superior Court alleging McGuinty not negotiating in “good faith”
Breast Screening scandal (ensuing lawsuits due to thousands of misread mammograms, one life lost)
Class-action lawsuit for autism funding cancellation
Over 650 new agencies, boards, commissions and entities such as LHIN's and CCAC's
Over 300,000 new public servants many of whom, are on the sunshine list
Public sector employment in health care increased by 39%
Public sector employment in social services increased by 39%
Public sector employment in education increased by 34%
Paying more Liberal taxes only to receive fewer services as taxes now being spent to pay the salaries and perks of newly-assigned, Liberal-friendly public servants
Gutted our manufacturing base (job growth across Canada except in Ontario)
Nearly one million Ontarians now out of work
Increased spending by 80% while our economy grew by only 9%
More than doubled our debt to 288 billion
Running a 11.3 billion annual deficit
Debt servicing costs will rise from 11.4 billion today to 14.5 billion once the debt exceeds 300 billion by 2017-18
Interest payments on our debt now the third largest budget expenditure after health and education
Task Force on Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Progress confirmed that McGuinty’s Green Energy Act grossly underestimated the cost to consumers and overestimated the number of new jobs that would be created
Tax collectors getting 45,000.00 severance packages for switching job titles from provincial to federal
Two ministries under an OPP criminal investigation - ORNGE and gas plant scandals
Pharmacy war
Illegal green taxes
Increased smart meter, electricity, hydro, tuition and car insurance costs
Implemented tire tax, electronics tax, eco fee, health premium (tax), WSIB tax increase, HST, beer surtax
Failing grade on ADHD education
Ranking the lowest of all provinces for fiscal performance
Delisting eye exams, physiotherapy, chiropractic care, diabetic strips, etc.
Increasing wait time for cataract surgery
No longer covered for eye exams yet taxpayers paying for sex changes
Wait time for nursing home bed tripled
Failure to disclose elevated radiation levels
OES missed its collection and recycling targets by 59%
Not correcting the foreign ownership of our beer market
Acceptance of garbage striker extortion
Harassing labour inspectors
Kowtowing to green energy lobbies
Imposing blood alcohol rules that punish people who are not impaired
Public utilities donating to Liberals
Voting to cover up the Niagara Parks Commission scandal
Emergency room wait times not meeting provincial targets
Put on notice by Standard and Poor, credit rating downgraded, under a very serious credit watch
Have-not province for the first time in Canadian history
Borrowing more debt than any province except NB
Dramatic cuts in health care services in schools
Nurses getting bonuses despite a wage freeze
Insufficient senior homecare services
Failing grade of Family Responsibility Office
Abstained from vote to investigate CBC expenses
Cash kickback scheme involving government cleaning contracts
Talked about a two-year freeze on wages for public sector while previously giving the OPP a 5% wage increase - the OPP received another raise of over 8% in January, 2014
Energy now unaffordable yet we must pay Quebec and some north-eastern States to take our surplus energy
Encouraging farmers to build small-scale solar projects but having no way to connect them to the power grid
Laid up in US hospital beds as no beds available in Ontario
Refusing public inquiry into G20 fiasco
Giving those who hire only newcomers a 10,000.00 tax credit
Third highest user of food banks
Announced pay freezes knowing that 38,000 were getting a 3% salary increase after the election
Hiding hospital errors from the public
Teachers skipping classes to assist with anti-Conservative campaign
Failing grade in northern forestry management
Almost 40 C. difficile deaths to date
Loss of 6,500 cancer patient health records
Highest rent increase rate in years
Ignoring evidence that wind turbines can cause poor health
Workers at eHealth suing for not receiving bonuses
Liam denied eye care that another child is receiving under OHIP
Ontarians pleading for their lives or dying because they aren’t getting the health care they need
Lady with a brain tumor denied help to cover costs which costs are covered in Manitoba
Electricity rates to rise 42% over five years
Prior loss of 60,000 jobs in the horse racing industry – now attempting to correct this
Ring of Fire
Cleaning kick-back scheme that ended with the conviction of three persons (two of whom were employed by Wynne’s ministry at the time …)
AND finally . . If elected Wynne wants to raise the gasoline tax by 10 cents per litre to help pay for Toronto's Transit system upgrades.
06-04-2014 08:29 AM
Next question.
"There are now 101,882 more people employed by the provincial government"
Assuming that statement is correct, how many of those 101,882 people are doctors, nurses, nurse assistants, teachers, teacher assistants? These are the very people voters in Ontario decided we needed to hire ten years ago.
Now your boss wants to fire them? Does that make sense?
06-04-2014 09:14 AM
I hate the liberals I think they are brutal in every sense of the word I am not sure why you thought I was giving liberals a free pass ...
I Think Conservatives may have had the right goals in mind but not in a realistic manner removing all credibility and faith anyone would have in them ...
Liberals well I would not vote for them is someone was holding a gun to my head
NDP Seems to be the only level headed party right now and 62% of 17,000 people agree with me
06-04-2014 09:18 AM
"62% of 17,000 people"
What do these numbers mean? Where do they come from?
06-04-2014 09:20 AM
I found the answer to my question:
06-04-2014 09:27 AM
This is just about the debate not the poles.. 62% of people say NDP Won the Debate
06-04-2014 11:45 AM
According to this poll, Hudak "won" the debate:
06-04-2014 11:47 AM
According to Global "no one" won the debate:
06-04-2014 04:36 PM
Well the first poll is based on 4000 votes so not as much but all I know is I am happy you did not pt up a pole for Liberals winning the debate LOL
06-04-2014 04:45 PM
Frankly I do not think the Premier could have won that debate. She has had to defend actions of her government before she got the job. She is stuck with the legacy.
The real question is: will the debate - viewed by a relatively small percentage of the voting population - have an effect on the results of the election.
Personally, I doubt it very much.
We should end up with a minority government.
The only questions are: which party will form the government? how strong will the NDP do in third place?
06-04-2014 05:06 PM
I read a poll earlier (can't find the link right now) and it said that the Liberals were at 40% favour and the Hudaks were at 35% after the debate. Of course do we believe polls? Ehhhhhh that too is 'debatable'.
The thing is the best help for the Liberals has been Hudak. With his and his wife's past history with Harris and his job cuts and his cuts he wants to do to healthcare and education he has been self-inflicting one wound after another. The Workers Coalition party has taken out ads everywhere against him and even for the first time in history the OPP have stood up against him. His financial plan has been criticized by every respectable economist as well as in the US by a division of the US government. Of course each one has their own agendas but it's still not a good thing to have all these workers against you. Without a couple of scandals against the Liberals, Hudak wouldn't have a prayer. He thought he could win by bringing out the revenge and the hatred in people and he's found that thinking people aren't going for that fear factor anymore.
Just looking at the two main parties, well I am not pleased with some plans Wynne has. Maybe she is seeing further down the road than I'm giving her credit for, but it still worries me. Hudak, with what he has advocated he will do, there is no doubt it will be a financial failure (that's been proven elsewhere), but also he, like his mentor Harris, will divide Ontario and create more mass confusion and disruption, which will have to be repaired later, if it can. Frankly, I'd vote for Charles Manson before I'd vote for Hudak. At least with Charlie, you know who you are dealing with and he's up front. Hudak's so low, so deceptive, he could crawl under a snake wearing a top hat. Also and although this is secondary, it is also very important, Harper wants Ontario and Hudak is his puppet if he can get it.
06-04-2014 05:15 PM
I agree, I don't think the debate was a win for any of them. Wynne spent most of her time being a bone chewed at by two hungry dogs. Hudak went through is spiel like a recurring TV ad and his tear jerking stories were lame at best. Horwath did better than I thought but she just doesn't have the 'presence' as a leader. Wynne, despite the things the government has done is still a positive person.
Whatever happens, yes it will be a minority and whoever forms the government will not have the popular vote of the people, not by a long shot. Maybe we should have 'playoffs', ending with 2 and then it's last party standing time. In this situation, Wynne would win hands down because all the NDP votes would go to her.
However this turns out, this isn't going to be a happy province for years to come. We need in Ontario and even in Canada, some hope for the future, some light at the end of the tunnel and with a bit of luck Trudeau will provide that.
06-04-2014 05:17 PM
"the best help for the Liberals has been Hudak"
I agree with you.
And the NDP made a mistake forcing an election at this time as they have nothing to offer that is different or has a chance to win people over.
Yesterday, Mary suggested we go to vote at the mall today. Advance voting station is open daily until Saturday. However, I told her I was still undecided.
In my book, Hudak and his party are totally out of touch with the real world, just like Harris was a generation ago. Ontario already has one of the lowest corporate tax rate of any jurisdiction in North America. Laying off one hundred thousand teachers and other public servants to finance a corporate tax cut is.... quite frankly I am at a loss for the correct word.
The Liberals carry a lot of baggage for the mistakes made in the last eleven years. While the list prepared by Valve is quite unfair in many instances, reality is that wrong decisions have been made.
NDP has many interesting policies but many are stolen from the Liberals (cutting auto insurance rates for example) and they have no chance to form a government.
At the end of the day, since I cannot really justify a party over another, I may vote for the individual candidate instead of the party.
06-04-2014 06:15 PM
Who won?
Ipos Reid poll: Hudak 36%, Wynne 26%
A new poll reveals that Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak won Tuesday night’s provincial leaders debate.
The Ipsos Reid survey for CTV shows that 36 per cent put Hudak first based on his performance, followed by Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, who were about 10 points behind the Tory leader.
There were no defining moments or leaders who crumbled, but some say Wynne was on the defensive during a double assault from her opponents, who focused on job creation and the gas plant scandal.
While Hudak and Horwath repeatedly hammered Wynne over her party’s costly cancellation of two GTA gas plants, Wynne tried to diffuse the issue by tackling the scandal head-on just minutes into the debate.
“The decisions around the relocation of the gas plants that were made were wrong,” said Wynne. “I’ve apologized. I’ve taken responsibility. There was public money that was wasted.”
The other major topic was unemployment, with Hudak and Horwath both pledging to help create jobs if their respective parties form a government.
Ontario goes to the polls June 12.
06-04-2014 06:34 PM
Well I wish there was a candidate I could look at and feel totally good about voting for, but like you, I'm at a quandary.
It's a bit easier from the perspective that I have Hudak totally crossed off the list. I wish that the Liberals and the NDP were a bit closer in the race but they aren't. I'd like to give the NDP a fresh chance but if it's a close race between the Libs and the Cons then voting for the NDP will cost a vote for the Liberals just to keep Hudak out and if he loses again then maybe next time around he will be gone totally and the Conservatives will have a better candidate.
The way our political structure is set up we often end up doing the 'strategic' vote thing and I don't like that. As you know I don't like the party concept and I believe we should be voting for our own independent representatives and then a separate vote for the provincial leader, or federal leader. I think we would get more honest representatives in some respects and we would get more people who have great ideas and vision that can't get a chance because some party did not accept them into the 'gang'.
Ontario is in trouble but it's not a disaster despite what Conservatives and Hudak supporters may want us to think. We are now at an AA1 credit rating and that's nothing to scoff at. We are now seeing the long term symptoms of free trade deals which took away good jobs and left us with increasingly less and less productivity and more and more part time and dead end jobs. The responsibility for those repairs fall on the shoulders of the Feds.
Toronto, well Mel Lastman considered leaving the Province and frankly it seems to be more and more a good idea. TO sucks so much money out of the rest of Ontario and taxpayers and they see far to little of it.
06-04-2014 06:45 PM
To me who won the debate is inconsequential when one looks at the bigger picture afterwards when a poll was taken representing before and after. After the debate Wynne was at 40% and Hudak 35%. With all the Liberals have to answer for one has to ask themselves why aren't the Conservatives and Hudak wayyyyyyyyy up there in the lead? Well it's Hudak, no one trusts him and for good reasons.
You have often supported Conservatives Valve, but you have a problem now. You have said your son is a cop and Hudak is out to get his fellow officers in the OPP. Hudak is out to destroy unions with 'work to rule' which he has been very quiet on lately, but he still is going to try and put it through, make no mistake about that because his corporate friends are depending on him. This will mean the slow end to unions and that will affect your son. How's Hudak look to you now?
06-04-2014 10:52 PM
Yeah, good ridance to unions!
06-05-2014 06:59 AM
I have to go with my gut even if my vote ends up being usless because 2 options are just shooting myself in the foot and 1 is realistic with actual issues on the table...
I mean that debate there talking about railways etc and to be honest ... Well spending $140 to fill my vehicle,$300-$500 for hydro a month,3k for heating a winter.. 2 kids to send to school ... Railways are not on my radar of things that need to be done ...
NDP is the only person who touched base on things most important to me . People say 8% of a hydro bill is very little well when the company paying my pay check has to pay 80-$100,000 less every month for hydro that is good for me and my job security..
I know NDP has some similar things going on like the liberals but I am ready for change ... Ontario has been the same for too long
06-05-2014 09:18 AM - edited 06-05-2014 09:18 AM
"when the company paying my pay check has to pay 80-$100,000 less every month for hydro that is good for me and my job security.."
If I understand your comment, you are suggesting that a NDP government would cut the hydro bill to your employer by $80,000 to $100,000 a month ($1,000,000+ a year). Sounds to me like a great election promise. And you believe that to be true.
You should ask your NDP candidate, where will that $80,000 to $100,000 come from?
If one employer saves that much, how much will be "saved" by all employers in Ontario? Billions?
After all, the provincial government does not print money. That money must come from somewhere. To "save" that money to employers, what are the options?
1) raise income tax
2) raise provincial tax (part of HST)
3) layoff teachers, doctors, nurses, other public servants
4) borrow the money to increase the provincial debt leading to more income tax increases in the future to pay the interest on the debt
What is your NDP candidate proposing? Honestly? Do not be shy: ask!
06-05-2014 12:55 PM
They have been running Ontario pretty well.
Last time I check, Ontario is still the top province in the country. Toronto became a world class city.
Seems pretty horrible. lol...
06-05-2014 02:04 PM