Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay
Community Member
We wanted to give you a quick heads-up about our new eBay “it” marketing campaign which launched recently. The campaign is designed to celebrate the extremely wide range of great things you can buy on eBay, just in time for the holiday shopping season. To view the campaign, visit

We want to hear all about your best “it” moment on eBay. What was the most memorable item you bought on eBay? Why? You can post your favourite “it” purchase here and we will gather up all the "it" stories and there will be an eBay prize awarded for the best "it" story.

eBay Community Development
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Well my best 'it' moment happened yesterday. I was searching the Want It Now music section and someone was looking for a Mitch Miller children's record. The song she really wanted was 'Jelly on my head' - well I sing that song to my grandkids but I didn't remember the words to one line. I asked the poster what the words were and last night I received an email with the words. LOL

Second best 'it' moment - there was a Scout badge I had been after for years - searched for a year on eBay - well wouldn't you know it the same badge was listed twice in one day. Once by itself and once in combination with a bunch of badges. My keen eyes saw the badge behind some others and I picked up the entire group for a great price. I was on vacation when it closed and didn't know for days whether or not I had won it. Of course I had let the seller know that payment would be delayed if I won. The first thing I did when I gort home was sign onto eBay and look - yahoo.
Message 121 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
Great catch, congrats on that.
Message 122 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
I have been with eBay since Dec, 1999

I have always practiced a fair deal situation / communication at all times,
with sellers and buyers !!

That is why I am at (802) with 1,629 Feed-Backs @ 100 %.

I can not truly say that every purchase on eBay was exactly as I had anticipated,
with this many purchases,
I had only experienced very little / minor problems.


1,639 purchases with 4 = MINOR problems !!
= (Great Odds)
= I excepted My Loss (Low Valued Items)
= Nothing is always perfect, and some sellers,
= 1,000’s are different when selling / describing !!

1,639 purchases with 2 = MAJOR problems !!
= (Great Odds)
= I did “NOT” excepted My Loss (High Valued Items)


With eBay Support, great direct e-mail support, they helped me to resolve both situations, with excellent results.
== Computer Parts – FRAUD
== Seller Fees – Hidden Handling Costs

In both above cases, eBay helped / resolved my cases,
to my advantage.

No Loss To Me !!!

A special THANKS to eBay Support.

A truthful eBayer; Buyer / Seller,
will always be protected by eBay.



I can not describe any certain great item or items that I had received. ( Favorite )
There are way too many; rare / different / custom / items, that I had purchased,
with very excellent results.

All I can say, without eBay’s listings, I would not have been able to find certain items.

eBay had opened my eyes, wide open, for items
that I thought had never existed !!!!!!!

With eBay listings, one has an unlimited world wide items,
not locally / country available !!!


- ED –

P.S. Only eBay can list items that one has never seen or thought off !!

World Wide Sales at your finger tips !!

THANKS For All Off My GREAT Deals !!
Message 123 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
My IT moments on ebay is when I purchased carbon, spring, and ring microphones, from the 1920's and 1930's. I even have a favourite seller that I like buying these mics from, that I look forward to buying from again. I could never found them in Windsor, after 2 years of looking, so I signed up on ebay. These mics are exprensive, because many people loves them, always outbidding eachother, but all in freindly competition. Win some, loose some. They are worth it.
Message 124 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
I agree with you,ptah781,there are many cheap item sell on ebay,I think it's very convenient.:-D
Message 125 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
My it item was the first poster from Nintendo power with the zelda map.
Message 126 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
My wedding ring. 🙂
Message 127 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
I had a bad buying experience with a seller and of course they ask me to wait 8 weeks to see if i would recieve the item. The item was coming from Canada and of course 8 weeks is too lone to lodge a complant or bad feed back. I've emailed them several times and my last emaile has had no reply. So I guess they get to keep my money and no item and no proof they even sent it to begin with. 2good2bee4gotten you got one time you won't again.
Message 128 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

> I had a bad buying experience with a seller and of course they ask me to wait 8 weeks to see if i would recieve the item. The item was coming from Canada and of course 8 weeks is too lone to lodge a complant or bad feed back. I've emailed them several times and my last emaile has had no reply. So I guess they get to keep my money and no item and no proof they even sent it to begin with. 2good2bee4gotten you got one time you won't again.

if you paid with a credit card.. call up your credit card company and do a charge back.. you can usually do those up to 6 months later
Message 129 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Last night...I found here on eBay a hand made wooden display case for my vintage little people collection. It holds up to 36 people AND it has a plastic cover to go over the top!!!

All these little people have been wrapped in a drawer because I have not been able to find anything that I could display them on WITHOUT having to dust each piece!! I only have to dust the display case itself!!!!

The case even has 3 layers or tiers!

I have found things similar to what I found here on eBay but it was just not quite what I wanted...not to mention the price was always well over 80.00USD.

I found a display case specifically designed for what I want for ONLY 46.00Canadian SHIPPED! WHOOT!
Message 130 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

Community Member
recently i found myself bidding on a tool grinder and after researching a bit as to the norm on the value a maximum and waited to see the result.. the item was in canada which made it all the better "home team advantage" in the final hour or so...i decided not to sit on the edge of my seat, and went out for awhile...but in the past i've been outbid in the final seconds not understanding well wen i went to "my ebay, bidding" the item was'nt there??? looked in "my ebay did'nt win"...nothing??? i got an email notice that my bid had been cancelled??? "how..why...???" and the thing that strikes me as odd..this same item was listed on kijiji in calgay after the start date of the auction.."where the seller on ebay was listing from" the reason given for the cancellation "if i understand from all the linking i followed"..."""Item sold privately trade for lathe"""???? what is that all about?? i had the highest bid and in the last moments of the auction..this??? i'm baffled...
Message 131 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

The seller had the same item on two (or more ) different sites.
When it sold on one, he cancelled all the other listings.
Annoying, and not a good sales technique if you sell in a category where multiple sales are a possibility ,but "eBay legal".
Message 132 of 132
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