The Harper government is a cruel government.........



While politicians frequently write letters to vouch for families trying to stay in Canada, the Ballesteroses say they were turned down when they asked London Tory backbencher Ed Holder for support.

Message 1 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

you like to "visit" people and always tell people to "go talk to them" why don't you go find the next 10 people that have been on the list LEGALLY for probablly the last 5-10 years to come to Canada and tell them personaly that they have to wait just a little while longer because these people that came here IL_LEGALLY have taken their spots!!

Message 41 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

a sense of bigotry towards them made them feel uneasy......maybe they just felt Canada had more of a future.


HMMMMMM-again go READ the story Canada was their SECOND choice ONLY after they got caught being in the United States IL-LEGALLY for 12 years!!!

Message 42 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Google map is a great invention.

Message 43 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Prior:  You just don't get it , do you ?

Message 44 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........


I get that people escape a country when they need to because of the state of the country or because their lives are being threatened.

I also believe that a family who have proven themselves good citizens and individuals and have established themselves in a location should not be shoved out into life threatening danger just because of those laws, some dictatorial government leader, or bigot and racists.

I believe we have a huge, wealthy country that does not need to do this to a family, especially with innocent children.


I'm just the type of person who cares more about .......human beings.......than arbitrary laws that have no conscience.


"Get it" .......sure I do....... in spades.


Message 45 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Who is sending them back?

Probably some unionised beauracrat with a job for life.

Message 46 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

As far as I'm concerned all refugee claims should take no less than 2 years.


If the refugee takes a walk and goes into hiding and doesn't show up for appointments. They should be sent back when found.

Any refugee participating in any criminal activity should receive a fair trial and deported immediately upon conviction. They can apeel from the country that they were sent back to.


Message 47 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

I get that people escape a country when they need to because of the state of the country or because their lives are being threatened



AGAIN--go read the article!!! THEY ESCAPED to the UNITED STATES!!!


They were told to leave after 12 years so they decided to SNEAK into Canada

Message 48 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

I get that people escape a country when they need to because of the state of the country or because their lives are being threatened



AGAIN--go read the article!!! THEY ESCAPED to the UNITED STATES!!!


They were told to leave after 12 years so they decided to SNEAK into Canada



Prior just does not get it !






Message 49 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

AGAIN--go read the article!!! THEY ESCAPED to the UNITED STATES!!!


So what's the problem? Oh, it would be better if they stayed in the US!! I get it's ok for other countries to help people but not Canada.

So lets see if I have this correct. Here we have a family of good people who have jobs and are a part of the community and established themselves.

I really have no further comment to those who would send human beings including 5 innocent children to a country that has a massive crime rate, kidnappings, murder, a large record of assault on women, a country with one of the largest poverty rates in Latin America and a country for the most part run by drug cartels and all because this family broke a wittle Canadian rule.


There are days, I often say to those I know.........."I'll never understand some people". 

Message 50 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”  
―     Benjamin Franklin


“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”  
―     Abraham Lincoln


“Laws, it is said, are for the protection of the people.  It's unfortunate that there are no statistics on the number of lives that are clobbered yearly as a result of laws: outmoded laws; laws that found their way onto the books as a result of ignorance, hysteria or political haymaking; antilife laws; biased laws; laws that pretend that reality is fixed and nature is definable.  A survey such as that could keep a dozen dull sociologists out of mischief for months.”  
―     Tom Robbins


“Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they’re ratified into law.”  
―     E.A. Bucchianeri


“The essence of fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively against your enemies.”  
―     John Lescroart


“Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater.”  
―     Mark Twain


Message 51 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Some people  believe that if they do not like a law it is perfectly OK to just ignore it.



Like boatloads of Tamil Tiger terrorists, which  are still costing the taxpayer.




People who disobey they law , and advise others to disobey, are called thugs for a reason.



If you do not like the speed limit  just go faster.










Message 52 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

So what's the problem? Oh, it would be better if they stayed in the US!! I get it's ok for other countries to help people but not Canada


did you miss the words IL-LEGALLY???


have you contacted the others that applied LEGALLY to tell them these people that came here IL-LEGALLY have taken their spots???


I guess you would not mind if someone took your bike for a ride without asking as long as they came back later and paid for the gas right??

Message 53 of 63
latest reply

The Harper government is a cruel government.........

So what's the problem? Oh, it would be better if they stayed in the US!! I get it's ok for other countries to help people but not Canada


did you miss the words IL-LEGALLY???


have you contacted the others that applied LEGALLY to tell them these people that came here IL-LEGALLY have taken their spots???


I guess you would not mind if someone took your bike for a ride without asking as long as they came back later and paid for the gas right??


Some people are so anti-conservative and racist that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Message 54 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

still waiting for an answer on how the ages in the NEWS article (must be 100% correct) do not add up. There is NO POSSIBLE way that 2 of those kids could be theirs and still have been born BEFORE they made it to the states like the article says!!


they were in the states for 12 years and have been in Canada since 2009 which means the kids would have to be at LEAST 15--there is an 18 year old and then a 26 year old.

Message 55 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Come over and I'll explain it. You have the directions.

Message 56 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........


Message 57 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Normal answer where PROVEN WRONG yet again!!!

Message 58 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

What part of my previous post so I can explain in detail is hard to understand?

Anytime, I will always make myself available. 

Message 59 of 63
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The Harper government is a cruel government.........

Well then come on over!!!!

Message 60 of 63
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