The items that you buy in eBay are authentic products?

Community Member

The items that you buy in ebay as watches are authentic products or replicas?

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Re: The items that you buy in eBay are authentic products?

eBay rules require that every product sold on eBay be authentic. Replicas, another word for counterfeit, are not allowed. Not all sellers are honest, however, and a few will try th sell you fake merchandise. It is up to you to do your research to determine the authenticity of an item before you buy. For example; if an item is listed for a fraction of the price an authentic item sells for, there's a good chance that it's fake. If you do end up buying a fake item, you are covered under PayPal buyer protection and can open an item not as described dispute in the PayPal resolution center. There is a 45 day time limit from the time you paid to do this. Here's a page about the process.
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Re: The items that you buy in eBay are authentic products?

Hello 'gcru',

Truth is you'll find both authentic and fake in just about everything.  The most important thing is to know something about the product you are buying.  Sometimes price can be a clue, but not always.  A seller might be clearing out her late aunt's stuff and sell authentic items well below their worth.  Or a valuable watch may be listed in auction with a low start bid, but be over $1000 in a few days.

If you think the item is fake there is a report button on every listing.  And if you want to see ebay's official blurb about authenticity, the following link tells all about it.  Third item down on the 'not allowed' list, - replicas:


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