04-26-2015 10:12 AM
Need help reporting treats your site sucks for actualy reporting .
this guy is posting picks of older coins then the one forsale.
tryin to cancle order but he is now threating me saying he is going to come to my house.
please can someone help me with this ebay scammer
05-03-2015 01:57 AM
This should have been moved to the Buyer Board.
Site Issues usually deal with technical problems like being unable to post pictures.
There is a Report button on every listing.
EBay will just send you a polite thank you note, but they do pay attention to these Reports and sellers do get booted every day.
The other control on these listings is the actual buyer.
While it is true that Buyers Don't Read, I suspect that if the buyer gets a different coin than was either pictured or described, the seller will find himself inundated with Not As Described disputes.
Even opening these Disputes now leads to defects and violations on the seller account that can lead to higher fees, restrictions on the number and value of listings, and even removal from the site.
tryin to cancle order but he is now threating me saying he is going to come to my house.
Is he in your area?
Call the police and report the threat. You have his address from the Paypal invoice.
This needs to be addressed firmly.
If he is not nearby, he is blowing smoke.
Leave feedback. 'Made threats when description questioned.' should be sufficient warning to others, without contravening the fairly loose eBay rules about FB.
If you don[t pay, he can open and win an Unpaid Item Dispute. Your feedback will be removed. He won;t be able to leave FB (in any case, sellers can only leave positive or no feedback).
If this is the only Unpaid Item Strike you get in twelve months, it will not actually affect you. If you have two or more, they bidding on eBay becomes very difficult.
05-03-2015 01:58 AM
05-04-2015 05:45 PM
I'm confused. How do you know that the seller isn't posting accurate pictures? Did you buy and receive a coin and now want to return it?
Or have you bought it already but it hasn't been sent out? If that's the case, have you paid yet?
If the seller is threatening you through ebay messages you can report him by going to the message by clicking on report which is at the top right of the ebay message page above the header "xxxxx send you a message about....."