Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

Apparently, one of my listings didn't save that shipping to the US was supposed to be calculated, not flat fee for free!


Customer has purchased the item, but it's not supposed to be free shipping.


Do I really have any options here? Or would I be best to let it go?

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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

Just let it go and occasionally mumble....:"that will never happen again"


Unfortunately it will happen again, hopefully not for a long time and if it does perhaps for a slightly different reason.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 2 of 7
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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

I would also let it go, there has been a lot of glitches with tubo lister as of late.


when i was on the phone, the turbo tech did told me the system is getting old and the only way to minimize errors is to create a new user and transfer your files into it.


Message 3 of 7
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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

I gave up on turbo lister about a year ago. Besides shipping errors. It was getting the pictures messed up. It was a nightmare redoing all the pictures after listing 😞

Message 4 of 7
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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

Thanks guys, I appreciate the replies. I pretty much figured that the best choice would be to let it go, as it isn't worth any fuss that may result in trying to fix it.


I find TL is a great tool, having templates saves a lot of time. It's worked fine for the most part, but once in a while it seems to get bogged down.


Are there other alternatives to it?

Message 5 of 7
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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

i know what you mean, i don't know why selling manager is so slow loading up pictures.


i still use turbo, i find it is still the lesser of the two evil and have 3,000 listings invested in it. Man Frustrated

Message 6 of 7
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Turbo Lister didn't save, customer was given free shipping, what can I do?

there are others but they cost $$$

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