Upset !!!!

I just received a negative over shipping charges from a buyer that decided, after almost 2 months, that the shipping was too high.I don't understand, if he thought that I was charging too much why did he buy the item? Anyways I just emailed and told him so, plus I replied to the fb, but I'm still pissed. Sorry guys, just needed to vent. Please feel free to comment and tell me if I handled things right. Thanks.

Message 1 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

You definitely have a PITA.


Shipping seems reasonable for a chunky item which i imagine was shipped via air.


19 Feedbacks were left today by this buyer which included 3 Negatives & 1 Neutral. That is a pretty high percentage.

Message 2 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Community Member

Sorry this happened. Even some of this buyers positive feedback comments are negative. Every once in a while we all run in to these impossible to please people and unfortunatley there is little we can do but if it was me I would certainly spend the time calling ebay you never know they may remove it.


Hopefully everyone who reads your post will add this buyer to their blocked bidder lsit

Message 3 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Not applicable

Go the route of contacting Ebay and explaining the unwarranted negative FB.  It will be stress relieving experience for you and Ebay will be more aware of this buyer.  git ur dun

Message 4 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Buyer may have you mixed up with someone else.


Your reply could have been better. They said high shipping and your reply says they agreed to that.


Better reply would have been:


"Shipping is actual cost no handling. Buyer agreed before buying. Now complains?"

Message 5 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

I didn't agreed to anything he said. I just made a little sarcasm with my reply , but maybe your suggested replay would have been better understood. I will call ebay and explain them the situation and hopefully they can do something about it.

Message 6 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Well, I read what you wrote and that is what it sounded like to me. If you meant something else, why not say what you actually mean?


Leaving rebuttal FB is a learned art.


Call eBay all you want, FB is a buyer's opinion of how they feel. It will not be changed.

Message 7 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Go the eBay complaint route. If they decide the guy is a chronic complainer, they may remove all his negative feedbacks. Or not. But they certainly won't do anything if you don't draw him to their attention.

The removal will also remove your Response. The problem with it is not that it is inaccurate but that it makes you sound whiney. Taking the high road in feedback and in Responses would have shown you as a professional with a solid mature view of the world and its travails.

Remember that while most customers will only look at your feedback percentage, they have the opportunity to make decisions about your attitude from your feedback left.

Message 8 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

He agreed to the feedback before he bid.    The neg should be removed.

Message 9 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

"Anyways I just emailed and told him so, plus I replied to the fb,..."


From time to time "stuff" happens.  I find it best to do nothing and sleep on it instead of reacting immediately (whenever I do, I often regret it).


When I receive negative feedback - yes it does happen - after waiting a day or two - I contact the buyer and inquire on the exact nature of the problem. Could it have been a mistake or misunderstanding?  Later, I apologize for the inconvenience (whatever the perceived problem was) and try to explain I did my best to solve the issue.  I then ask - most politely - if the buyer would consider my request to remove the negative feedback.


Upon a positive reply or a few days later if no reply is received, I send a "Request for Feedback Revision" through eBay.  It works.

Message 10 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

I forgot to include the link to request a feedback revision: 

Message 11 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Hi! Pierre can you please help me with the wording? I have never asked for a feedback revision before and I don't want to mess it up. Thanks.

Message 12 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

As stated earlier, it is a bit late for that.


"Anyways I just emailed and told him so,"


You seem to have burnt your bridges with the buyer with your correspondance and reply to feedback.


It is a longshot but it may still be worth a try:


"dear buyer (actual name).


I am sorry you feel the shipping charge by Canada Post was excessive.  If you recall, the charge was listed in the eBay listing at time of purchase.  I agree with you that Canada Post charges too much but, unfortunately, there is little I can do about it. You were charged the actual postage as evidenced by the stamps (or shipping label) on the package.


Although I do not control shipping charges, is there anything I can do at this late stage to satisfy you?


Please let me know." 

Message 13 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Pierre,what you're telling me is that at this point the probability of having the feedback removed is close to zero.I should have come to the forum and asked, before I sent the email to the buyer, but I thought that once the feedback was given that was it and you just kept it. My mistake, I should have asked instead of assuming. I guess is not even worth contacting ebay over this issue. I don't believe they are going to do anything. I've learned another lesson. Thanks.

Message 14 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

"the probability of having the feedback removed is close to zero"


The probability of having the negative feedback removed by eBay is ZERO.  The buyer is entitled to give negative feedback and the words he used do not contravene the rules.


Your only possibility is to have the buyer show willingness to remove the negative and respond positively to a request to change feedback as per link supplied earlier.


Good Luck

Message 15 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Sorry Pierre one more question. How is the buyer going to know that he/she paid exact shipping, when I bought the shipping label through PayPal and printed it myself? I haven't noticed any shipping amount on the labels that I print. Then wouldn't he/she have to take my word for it, or am I missing something? Thanks.

Message 16 of 17
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Re: Upset !!!!

Some sellers print their PayPal postage labels showing the postage, some do not.  I had no way of knowing you did not.


However, it does not really matter. 


Did you in fact charge what it cost you?  If so, proceed on that basis. Almost two months later, the buyer no longer has the label.  Also, through your PayPal invoice, you can prove - if challenged - what your shipping costs were.


Don't sweat the small stuff. Just proceed with the buyer - ever so politely - trying to have him accept a revision.  That's the goal.  Stay focussed.

Message 17 of 17
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