You have up to 30 days after the last estimated delivery day to file an Item Not Received dispute with eBay.
Your first step should be to use Contact Seller on the listing to ask the date of shipping and the service used. At the same time ask for the tracking number.
There is not likely to be a tracking number (which you would have paid for and is expensive even from China Post). This is not a problem.
Allow 48 hours for a response.
An offer of a replacement is NOT a viable response. It will never arrive.
A request to add a few (3 or 4) days to the waiting period is okay. Once in the mail, the seller has no control over delivery. But don't let it stretch on.
If you do not get a cash refund by the end of a week, go to the Resolution Centre and open an Item Not Received dispute.
If the seller cannot prove delivery,you will be refunded.