I just started blocking Brazil, along with a language barrier are LONG delays in shipping from what I've noticed. I have sent about 4 or 5 packages down there and EACH ONE has taken almost 3 months to be received and I've had to refund each one because of the 45 day period for claims. I always follow up a couple of months down the road with a "did you ever get " email and have heard that eventually the package did come but of course you get these frantic emails about items missing and it's not worth the aggravation. Just had a package go to Argentina and advised them before they paid about the length of time to South America and the buyer responded with "oh we know, it's usually 20-25 business days to get something here" so some people are aware of the issues. However when you get new buyers they tend to freak out instead of waiting. Americans tend to be very impatient- you will get emails from them 3 days after mailing but usually when you remind them it's coming from Canada and has to clear US customs you will hear back- "Oh, didn't realize you were in Canada."