Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
Hi everyone 🙂
Lately I have been having problems with buyers and Money Order's. I find they take forever to send it.I decided to only take paypal for now. To much of a headache.

I get clients sending MO and no description of which bikini they bought and It takes to long to find out who it is.
Anyone else notice this? What form of paypment do you take?
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
I'll take anything they want to send and wish I got more money orders. Paypal would rate last in desirability of possible payment methods (sadly most use it). I would much rather have no fee to me money orders and cheques.
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
I do PayPal, personal cheques and money orders. The cheques and money orders I hold for at least 10 days to ensure:

A. Payment is legit
B. Payment is legit
C. Payment doesn't bounce

I received 3 fraudulent money orders last month all in amounts greater than what the selling price was. Of course you all probably know the scam where they ask you to send the difference to a company that will be used for shipping.

I request anyone mailing payment to make it for the exact amount and tell buyers that any cheques received for other than exact amounts will be reported with the police. (I'm actually thinking of making this a part of my template so I can stop typing it).

I also process credit card orders over the phone which is pretty painless however the point of sale company takes 1.9% of each purchase (this is negotiable) so fees still get paid to someone. If you have a card swiping machine I would recommend looking into this as a form of payment. I always feel better hearing someone's voice rather than reading their words in an email.
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
Nothing but paypal accepted here. So far so good.
Message 4 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
In fact you can set your listings up so that anyone who does not have a paypal account is prevented from bidding on your auctions automatically.
Message 5 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
Goodbye Hassles!!:-D
Message 6 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Hello FEES!
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 7 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
The cost of those fees can be added to the selling price of your items: For example. I buy a teacup for $2.00. I want my profit to be $5.00. So when I list a tea cup I list it for $2.00 + $5.00 + 17 %. I found after tracking all my Ebay and Paypal fees per month, that they averaged out to 17%. So all of my items are listed for what I want to sell them for plus 17%. As soon as the bid button is pushed, the fees will be paid, not by me.:-D I haven't paid a paypal or Ebay listing fee in over 8 months. Does anybody else who posts here have a business degree, or am I alone here. Some of the concerns expressed on these chat boards seem rather basic.:-p
Message 8 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
I add my selling fees and other business expenses to my listing price. I would expect everyone to do this. After all anything you buy from a retail store has rent salaries and any other overhead added into the merchandise sold.
Message 9 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
Right on Alero0. Paypal is secure, instant, and can be paid for completely by the buyer. Why wait around for money orders from the Trannsylvania Piggly Wiggly Market??
Message 10 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
We hope that the information on this site will answer questions that you may have about our smoked turkeys.
- Greenburg Smoked Turkey Inc. 2007 www.gobblegobble.com
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Who takes all forms of money???

Community Member
I lost my driver's licence, what else could I do I became a peddler.
- Phil 2007
Message 12 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Your business degree is clouding your vision. Of course there is nothing at all wrong with your model but that doesn't mean it's the most profitable model.

My buyers of course pay all my fees, all my expenses in fact anything less and I'd be out of business. My buyers also pay extra, I run auctions, often they pay much more than "I want my profit to be" and when it comes to covering my fees if I can receive payment via a lower cost method then they "overpay" on fees. All this goes straight to my bottom line.

PayPal is convenient for sure but as I've said before it is the single most expensive way for me to receive payment. The difference against other methods can be as high as 10% of the transaction value, on cheap items the effect on the net selling price can be 15 - 20%.
"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 13 of 14
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Who takes all forms of money???

Hello, We use to accept money orders however ran across to many out of country postal orders that could not be cashed internationally. Unfortunately, we do not currently have a US bank account which we could utilize to cash them and the cost to send them on collection through the bank out weighed the value of the money order. Would have liked to us Bidpay in addition to pPayPal but you also require a US bank account. So thus far we accept only PayPal and MoneyBookers as acceotable payment methods. As others have noted, the fees are a significant deterent to using them however but a necessary evil in our case. Best regards

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