I’m a new `power seller` on ebay. I have been trying to find a REAL wholesaler so I can add to my very limited items that I currently sell. Right now I find myself just buying from American Power Sellers then selling the items on ebay to Canadians. I want to try to skip the middle man/woman but all the lists on ebay that I have found about wholesales have been somewhat disappointing. I find a lot wont even ship to Canada and if they do their prices with shipping are so over inflated that the prospect of actually making any money on the items are all but washed out. I’m not expecting anyone to reveal any insider secrets - just a helpful push in the right direction would be appreciated.
In order to deal with wholesalers in Canada, you will have to register yourself as a reseller and obtain a business license. In Ontario, for example, you will need a PST number or wholesalers will not even talk to you.
Don't take this the wrong way, but nobody that has a real source will give it to you because then you will become competition.
All those guys that you see on TV selling you their secret to their success are indeed making you part of their own success by making you buy what they sell!
Those people selling lists are just scamming people like you that believe someone will sell them the magic key to become great powersellers. As whoscloset said, get yourself registered as a legit business and then start knocking doors of manufacturers / distributors of products that you think may sell well here
Don't feed the scammers.... Don't ever buy a list, or access to a website that promises contacts...or anything like that.
Take a look at this web site http://www.gorencatalogue.com/
It is a liquidator in Ontario. I registered and the prices look amazing on some things. I have not bought from them though so I can't really say what the service is like.