Feedback is voluntary, not crucial. In the past, ebay did allow 90 days to leave feedback but for whatever reason, they shortened it to 60 days a few years ago. I believe you can still view a listing if you have the item number for up to 90 days.
“Why can't we have ALL item purchased on a record for up to a year and manage our files ourselves. “
Members do not need ebay’s help to keep track of their own transactions. Members can use a spreadsheet or screenshots of the transactions.
“Amazon does it better...just saying.”
Then shop at Amazon.
By the way, one of ebay's problems is that they are trying to be like Amazon.
“Come eBay...”
All responders here are ebay members such as yourself. If you want to make a suggestion to ebay, you will have to do it directly by going to Customer Support and typing in the word suggestions.
Non payers should get unpaid item strikes and be added to block bidders lists. Period.