I am a buyer from Canada. Currently I am seeing one shipping price when an item is viewed in a search list and when I go to view the item details the shipping price for sellers using Global Shipping Program shows about $3 more. Should not the shipping price be the same and not determined by the viewing method? It's discouraging when buying an item and have a set price limit for both purchase and shipping only to find its higher than what you expected. Plus GSP can collect a separate payment extra for duty and custom fees which is not determined until end of sale. As a buyer I really dislike GSP service and now am refusing to buy from sellers that are using it. Not only is the overall total resulting price higher but the shipping/receiving is not any faster than before it came into effect. Are sellers even aware of the detrimental effects GSP can have on their sales. Are we now with the discrepancy in shipping price listed paying for cost for sellers shipping their goods to a central shipping point so GSP can send them out?