Wind Turbines a scourge on Ontario
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03-04-2014 11:51 AM
Some comments on a Free Press article:
If the Liberals feel it does not disturb anyone, causes no harm and it is a great idea put one near Wynne's home, One next to Deb Mathews home, One near Mcguinty home they can prove in couple years to all of us how good it is. Put their health where they mouth is.
More clean energy eh! All the while, we have to accept this energy on days we don't require it and curtail the flow of real clean energy at Niagara falls by restricting flow of water over the turbines. Wake up will yea.
Maybe clean but NOT FREE Doobie you and you kids and their kids will be paying for this scandal for many years, Too bad you are not informed enough to realize the return on investment will make the turbine company richer and you poorer, save your money because your smart meters are smarter than you
how in th e world do you claim this as "clean" energy. If any other project consumed this much land to produce so little, unreliable energy, all of the greenies would be up in arms, Just ask some of the folks around Mitchell's Bay what happened to their well water when they started to drive the piles into the bed rock, something that has been kept quiet.
Excellent news! Declining property values, rising electricity rates, more dead birds and bats. Don't whine that it's clean energy, we all know it isn't.
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03-04-2014 09:35 PM
Not uncommon, these monsters catch fire when their transmissions fail. Ouch, could start grass and brush fires!
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03-05-2014 01:49 AM
Lol, who complains abouit concrete and steel construction? I love that stuff. This is some weird read. Again, I tell you, if you love the birds like I do, get rid of outdoor cats and lighted windows, responsible for the deaths of millions annually.
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03-05-2014 02:16 AM
Then again, what if these creatures infested the land? *shudder*
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03-05-2014 08:00 AM
"Lol, who complains abouit concrete and steel construction? I love that stuff."
Joni Mitchell puts these turbines in perspective. It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present.
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03-13-2014 10:47 AM
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03-13-2014 10:48 AM
as a child
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03-19-2014 09:58 PM
Video of Ontario Premiere Kathleen Wynne
as a child
Wind Turbines a scourge on Ontario
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03-20-2014 01:22 AM
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03-20-2014 03:40 PM
cartoon reminds me of quite a few places around Montreal where you have those high tension power lines coming in from James Bay or wherever they come from. Typically you have a cleared out space directly below the lines which has about enough room for soccer fields to run end-to-end. But quite often you have peoples' back yards immediately beside the cleared space and if you go outside you can hear the humming from the wires - actually quite loud. Maybe not as loud as windmills - but similar idea. And the feeling is eerie to say the least. You can almost feel the electricity vibrating the air molecules.
Supposedly a 2005 study by Oxford University's childhood cancer research group reports, "Children living within 220 yards of an overhead power line had a 70 percent greater risk of falling victim to leukemia."
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03-20-2014 11:24 PM - edited 03-20-2014 11:27 PM
Like jails, hospitals, group homes, airports, industrial parks, generating stations, army bases and shooting ranges, chicken farms and plants, upwind factories, you name it...
I think we would have to look at these items individually.
They don't normally build jails in people's back yards. In the area of a city yes, but I can't think of one put next to homes.
Hospitals, same thing, I haven't seen any built at least in my area where they have intruded on homes and a lot of people are kind of happy to have a hospital so close.
Group homes, some even for the mentally handicapped have been opposed, but that's mainly people's lack of understanding and fear.
I won't go through all the others except to say that shooting ranges aren't near homes......too dangerous. Chicken farms they're in the country and country people are not only use to them but there is really no problem because they're in long unobtrusive and quiet buildings.
Plants???? Upwind factories???? You lost me on those.
The government has no right and I don't care what they say, to impose turbines or anything else on someone who will be either harmed by the existence or lose money from property values from its existence. A lot of people in the cities are all for wind turbines. Good. Let them be built in their backyards on neighborhood and see how long that lasts! It's easy to applaud something from a war to turbines when the applauders don't have to live with it.
A good cross section of thoughts on wind turbines.... (it's unfortunately not the full documentary but it's still good)
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03-21-2014 01:46 PM
The extent of "harm" to persons or property values is relative though. And related to people's personal points of view. I knew some people who lived literally almost right under some of those high tension lines and they claimed to have "looked into it" and said it didn't bother them a bit to be raising young kids there. For some reason, what is "harmful" to one person turns out to be not so bad for someone else.
The government does have the right to impose whatever they deem necessary and they do exercise that right. I can think of several situations right off the top of my head where a neighbourhood group has gotten up in arms over something the government has done or allowed. IMO, these groups are often as not trying to have their cake and eat it too - buying lower value real estate located next to airport etc., and then complaining after the fact, trying to get rules changed, sound barriers built, etc.. But there are many examples where people are legitimately trying to prevent disruption to their lifestyle and these windmills are just another case. "Not in My Backyard" is fine - but this stuff has to be built somewhere... Unfortunately much of the direct connection that we once had to democratic decision making is breaking down. Provincial bodies are taking over a lot of functions that used to be more local, whether it be in health, education, roads, what have you...
Bordeaux Prison, with residential areas less than 200 ft from buildings.
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03-21-2014 10:31 PM
Some of the highest priced residences in Ottawa are adjacent to the Civic Hospital Campus. The on street parking is horrible, and you better not want to have more than one car.
But bus service is terrific in the area.
The hospital and the houses have been around since the twenties, with most of the homes being built in the late 40s and early 50s.
Homes run around 1500 to 2000 sq ft and $750K in value.
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03-21-2014 11:11 PM
Thanks for posting that informative documentary.
I remember when wind turbines first appeared and thought they were all right...when there were just a few. In the past few years, though, I have been dismayed to see more and more of them being erected.
I live an hour's drive from Goderich and we have a trailer near Southampton, about 2 hours away. Although we normally drive across country to get there we occasionally drive to Goderich and up Hwy 21. There are so many wind turbines in the Kincardine area that it gives DH a headache driving past them. For a time there is no one direction in which you can look and not see one of them moving. So much for a serene country setting. If they were the smaller version that were shown out west in the video they might not be so bad but these are monstrosities. I find it very unsettling and can't wait to get by them. At night you get the flashing lights from them which gives ME a headache.
DH is retired and I will soon hit the "golden age" myself. We had begun talking about our retirement years and consideration was given to buying a place near the lake and spending our retirement years there. Goderich was the most likely location and now there are more and more wind turbines going up in that area. I would never consider buying a home near a wind turbine.
No mention was made in the documentary about the proximity of turbines to airports. The wind turbine constructed by the CAW in Port Elgin is near an airport and pilots literally have to go around the thing when taking off or landing. And it is not the only airport where this kind of thing is happening.
I am very much concerned about the way McGuinty arbitrarily took away the right of municipalities to refuse wind turbines and forced them on communities. Whatever happened to democracy? I am not against Green Energy either but it should not affect people's health or their property values.
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03-22-2014 12:26 AM
I believe in a 'first come first served' basis. In other one, private individuals or government has the right to change someone's enjoyment of life, or risk their health or safety.
Those who buy a home near a factory or an airport or a highway and then want to have this or that changed for their own convenience are equally as wrong because they knew what they were getting into and if they didn't ......they should have. A buddy of mine in BC lives on a road which has an auto wreckers and scrap dealer. Along comes a family and builders who want to put in a subdivision of upscale homes but they knew the homes wouldn't sell with the auto wreckers right across the street. So they tried everything to get rid of the family that had been there three generations since 1954. The leader of the family that wanted the subdivision even called neighbours and didn't ask, they TOLD him what to say and basically it was that they should contact the council and support the closing of the wreckers. My friend taped the phone calls just in case someone tried to say he agreed but he didn't agree at all. He sent me copies of the tape and it was not surprising how cold and greedy people can be. My friend told them to pound salt and not to destroy a family for the profit of others. The subdivision never happened and all is well in the neighborhood again.
When it comes to wind turbines these monsters are intrusive. They tower over people and their privacy, not to mention the noise and the loss of view (which many have bought their homes for) and of course loss of property value. 'First come, First served'....the homeowners were there first.........find another location! Many other things can find another location, prisons, airports (if there is a new one) etc etc. The only reason the government imposes these things on others is because it's convenient for them.
Those who belittle others by using the word NIMBY should remember that it also stands for Next It Might Be You.
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03-22-2014 12:38 AM
Whatever happened to democracy? We never really had it, not really. We just have a form of democracy. True democracy would put an end to the reign of many politicians and they would be relegated back to where they belong as nothing more than employees of the people, instead of little kings and queens with psychopathic dictatorship mindsets that have often sold their integrity off to the highest bidder.
McGuinty is a coward. Wynne is trying to plug up a sinking ship. However Hudak is a disaster behind the drapes waiting for his call on stage which I hope he never gets. The NDP, I swore I would never vote for them again after Rae, but our political system demands that we vote for someone and I am leaning that way just to keep Hudak out. We need a totally new political system, but the Catch22 is we have to get it legislated by the same kings and queens we want to dethrone. Of course we could revolt but we're Canadians and polite and we ask first if we're allowed to.
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03-22-2014 11:55 AM
Let it now be known that Prior has said that he does not believe people that OWN property should not have the right to do what they want with this property. If I own 500 acres and want to put up a few turbines to make money it's NONE of your business!
Weird thing is that if some Native tribe came and said that they wanted turbines on their reserve and neighbours complained he would tell the neighbours that it's none of their business.
now I am not in favour of them and think they are a waste of money, but if somebody wants to invest in them it's none of my business
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03-22-2014 11:58 AM
A buddy of mine in BC lives on a road which has an auto wreckers and scrap dealer. Along comes a family and builders who want to put in a subdivision of upscale homes but they knew the homes wouldn't sell with the auto wreckers right across the street. So they tried everything to get rid of the family that had been there three generations since 1954. The leader of the family that wanted the subdivision even called neighbours and didn't ask, they TOLD him what to say and basically it was that they should contact the council and support the closing of the wreckers. My friend taped the phone calls just in case someone tried to say he agreed but he didn't agree at all. He sent me copies of the tape and it was not surprising how cold and greedy people can be. My friend told them to pound salt and not to destroy a family for the profit of others. The subdivision never happened and all is well in the neighborhood again
where do you come up with the "STORIES" none are true. NO NONE NOT ONE city council can close ANY BUSINESS, they could TRY but then an appeal would be sent to the Municipal Appeals Committee and unless they have 100% proof that this business was doing damage to the environment etc. they could do NOTHING about it.
However I do like when you come in with your little stories to try and back up something you said even if it's NOT true--LOL
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03-24-2014 12:38 PM
Ontario’s debt is spiraling out of control. It has been over five years since the budget was last balanced and 13 years since Ontario’s debt clock actually counted down instead of up. Premier Wynne says that it will be another four years of deficits until they balance the budget. Maybe.
Enough is enough.
A budget is expected in the coming month, which could very well be followed by another general election.
The time is now to make debt, deficits and the fiscal future of our children the main campaign issue.
That is why the CTF wants to launch our Bankrupting Ontario campaign right now.
The Bankrupting Ontario campaign will consist of billboards, bus stop ads, online ads and even ads in bathrooms. We want to blitz Ontarians – particularly in key swing ridings – with messages about Ontario’s debt levels and the consequences of our debt.
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03-24-2014 01:03 PM
Valve, you just said a couple of weeks ago that Canada's debt (that the Harper government has run out of control) is no big deal - "just old ladies buying bonds"... Yet the ON debt is a major problem and is the defining issue of a coming provincial election and the future of Ontario's children!!
c'mon it's obvious that Conservatives run budgets worse than anyone - but what really makes them stand out is their brazen disregard for the underprivileged and how they run up deficits paying off their corporate pals with tax cuts and preferential sweetheart deals...