Would I have to pay duty if I buy a guitar case from the USA to be shipped to Canada?

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Would I have to pay duty if I buy a guitar case from the USA to be shipped to Canada?

Anytime you are importing by mail an item valued at more than the $20 CAD de minimus, yes, you should be prepared to pay import taxes (maybe not 'duty' per se) on that item. Plus a handling/brokerage fee. The latter varies widely between couriers and postal agents. 

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Would I have to pay duty if I buy a guitar case from the USA to be shipped to Canada?

Because it is bulky it is unlikely to slip by customs without being assessed.

The carrier will charge you Sales Tax for sure and duty possibly as well as a service charge.

Be careful, BEFORE buying, to confirm who the shipper will be.


Canada Post works with USPS. They charge a service charge of $9.95. You pay on your doorstep.

Most couriers call the fee a customs brokerage charge and it starts around $25 . You pay on your doorstep.

Your seller is not required to know what Canada charges you.

This may help.



And then there is the Global Shipping Program.


We all hate it , but ...

Well.  On the bright side they have the lowest service fee, about $5.

When the shipment arrives, all import fees have been paid.

And they usually use Canada Post for delivery once the shipment is in Canada, so you are handy to the PO if you were not home when they attempted delivery and have to pick up.


They charge  those import fees which are poorly explained on purchase, before your seller even ships.(The fees are legitimate, just badly explained.)

They use a spoke and hub delivery system, which baffles many. (BTW so do most couriers and postal systems.)

The tracking is hard to follow.







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