Here is my story, just want to share it because hey, there is nothing I can do!
I sold an item on auction to a guy in India on December 12.
I receive his payment on December 19. The guy has a feedback rating of 1, but I don't check really, because I had high volumes and no time to spare. So I ship his watch the same day with CP Small Packets International.
Sends me a message on December 20 saying he's made is payment, ship it now, 'it's a gift for someone'.
I told him that it was send the previous day, and that he should normally receive it in 3-4 weeks, but probably sooner. He replies he's ordered from Canada before and it took only 10 days, so December 21st, I explain to him that I use CP guidelines for delivery standards, which are worst case scenario, but items are usually delivered faster than the guidelines state.
He replies he'll wait, and asks me to leave positive feedback, which I disregard.
Well today, December 26, I receive a Paypal email: 'First Request for Information About Buyer Complaint' !!!
Great... So the options I have are 'Sending a Refund', 'Sending Proof I Sent a Refund', or, 'Providing Tracking Information', which I don't have because I shipped Small Packet!
WHY is it possible that a buyer can file for non-receipt only 7 calendar days after sending payment???
I really don't get that part...
Merry Christmas!