Frankly the seller is either not too bright or very disorganized. There is a good chance that if you sent him money, you would never see the item.
No it is not good etiquette. More to the point, since this is business and not a church social, he has been charged fees each time he lists without selling.
You can Report him for setting up fake auctions. Obviously he has a price in mind, but is not bright enough to realize that he should start his auction at that price (or set up a Fixed Price listing) if he will not sell for less. He also does not realize that most bids come in the last few moments of the listing, and that by ending early, he is preventing the highest bids from being made.
Oh. Another thought. Your bids may not be being cancelled. He may have decided you were not a customer he wants to deal with and has your bids automatically Blocked. Sellers can do that for any reason they wish.