eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

eBay to Launch Brand New Export Program in the US


Hmm, with the $20 import limit for Canadians, the new program would seem to force collection of duties and HST on items that would often get through without being collected.

So the new eBay program would seem be a PITA for Canadian buyers from the USA. 

It is an opt in to join. It is for USA and for other eBay sites in the future. 

How would this affect Canadian Sellers listing on eBay.com? From a Canadian seller to a Canadian buyer but it would look like an International shipment in the eBay listing and a Canadian Seller to a USA buyer looks like a domestic shipping. 

More interference in how to sell on eBay. More potential for mistakes by eBay. It seems to make selling more complicated than easier to me. 

Run by Pitney Bowes in the USA. dpmicro will love that ...

Message 1 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Here is an ebay.com discussion where I read about this.



Message 2 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

That is INSANE!

It's also devised by an American with a $200 import limit and someone who has NO IDEA what buying and selling over borders is about.

I do not lie on custom's forms, nor do I request that a seller fudge the #s for me.............. but asking that customs and duties get paid in order to complete a transaction is such a bad idea I can't stress it enough.................

Do that, and your cancelled transactions, NFB, UPI disputes, trashed ratings etc. will sky rocket.

That would put a stop to using paypal shipping and fast

As long as we can still opt out of paypal shipping, there is always the option of adding in large print at the top of the listing:  "We do not use paypal or eBay shipping,"

In time regular buyers will catch on and the newbies won't all be cancelling their purchases with the new revised bill including taxes/duty/handling fees etc.

As a buyer, I would limit my purchases to under $20.

As a seller, my sales to European countries would be over.

My sales to the US will be restricted to items under $200.

I suspect my Canadian sales would increase a little, but that's not worth much to me because my customers are not in Canada.

Horribly BAD IDEA for everyone except the few sellers who sell items which Canadians are currently purchasing from the US.

Message 3 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Ptiney Bowes again.


Message 4 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

so good thing it's opt-in for them so they have the choice.

For now............ but the article by Ina Steiner also states that:

''''The Global Shipping Program will eventually become the default international shipping option, first for U.S.-based sellers, and later for all sellers."""

I'm not sure what that means because no one is forcing us to use paypal shipping............. but what a PITA it would be to have to stand in those line ups again.

Also, I've noticed that eBay now offers US sellers insurance.

Maybe they always did but it was only my last purchase that I was informed that the seller was using it.

I'm not sure what that means for taxes and duty but if it becomes too much of a hassle buying on ebay I just won't buy here.

I am not alone.

Message 5 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Community Member

After reading the buyer agreement here:




The buyer won't just be paying duties and taxes, there may be even more fees added. Read part 3, Payment and Program Fees.


Totally ridiculous! What buyer would ever agree to terms like that not knowing exactly what he would have to be paying when they place a bid and wins?


What kind of MBAs are those bloody schools giving degrees to these days that they come up with such sales killer terms and conditions like that??


Message 6 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Community Member


I'm not sure what that means for taxes and duty but if it becomes too much of a hassle buying on ebay I just won't buy here.


I am not alone.



What it means is that Canadian buyers who have items shipped via USPS/Canada Post can no longer play the $20-limit lottery. For example, if I buy a $50 or $60 item and it's shipped via USPS/Canada Post, chances are I won't be charged taxes, duties or brokerage fees when I pick it up. It's very very rare I had to pay any and I don't ask the seller to fudge the numbers nor undervalue the item.


I would actually have to pay those fees and possibly more automatically on anything that's over our $20 limit. If it actually becomes enforced across the board, it will kill sales for many international sellers and may actually encourage off-eBay sales in order to get around it.

Message 7 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

It sure is hard to grasp the logic behind this move.

In relation to sellers, all sellers who sell items over $20 and ship internationally would be hurt by it.

However, Americans who choose to ship internationally would be hurt the most.

That's becuase most Canadians who ship out of the Canada ship to the States.

Since the US has a $200 limit, unless the item is over $200 it won't matter.

For us and most European countries:

Duty/taxes/handling fees/etc. on a $21 item?

Isn't that the way the system would read it?


Message 8 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

What it means is that Canadian buyers who have items shipped via USPS/Canada Post can no longer play the $20-limit lottery. For example, if I buy a $50 or $60 item and it's shipped via USPS/Canada Post, chances are I won't be charged taxes, duties or brokerage fees when I pick it up. It's very very rare I had to pay any and I don't ask the seller to fudge the numbers nor undervalue the item.

I would actually have to pay those fees and possibly more automatically on anything that's over our $20 limit. If it actually becomes enforced across the board, it will kill sales for many international sellers and may actually encourage off-eBay sales in order to get around it.

I was referring to the insurance bought via ebay (not available to Canadians).

I know what this would mean but there's a good chance it will die before it takes hold.

Message 9 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Community Member

amzn already does the same thing, and lots of Canadians buying from .com.   It will depend on the fees involved, if it cuts some americans off from beign comeptitive to Canada all the better


I wouldnt hold my breath for ebay to get around to offerring this to Canadian sellers anytime soon

Message 10 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

I read the EcommerceBytes article again.


It seems like eBay is trying to set up fulfillment centers like Amazon except for international orders only.


From what I understood, the USA seller ships to a processing center and then that gets shipped out by Pitney Bowes. Seems like a lot of overhead and processing time. How can it be cheaper to ship twice? Potential for many errors.


Now if it was implemented in Canada, how can you ship cheaply to anywhere in Canada to a processing center run by Pitney Bowes. It cost roughly $10-$15 to ship a small package within Canada with Expedited Parcel and then add on $5-$20 to ship to the USA? What about small items like light packet?


No way this system would work in Canada using Canada Post or UPS/FedEx couriers because shipping is way too high within Canada.


With each change like this a couple of times a year, eBay makes it harder and harder to sell. Especially for Canadians who sell to the USA. Not good at all.


Another group of sellers will leave because it will not work for them.


What ever happened to a simple popular site for selling that eBay used to be. And I have sold only for 3 1/2 years. How you 5 and 10 year sellers can take all the changes amazes me.


Time to look into alternative sites again and your own web site. I am still surprised that no strong alternative site has taken on eBay at their own game.


Nothing to do but wait and see how this all develops. I hope I am just misunderstanding how this new process will work.

Message 11 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

This would drive buyers away if sellers chose to use it, or at best result in a lot of unpaid item strikes.

Sellers would find a way (aa always), but what a PITA.

Message 12 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

It seems like eBay is trying to set up fulfillment centers like Amazon except for international orders only.

I'm not positive but the way I understand it is that the Amazon fufillment centers actually fill the orders so sellers that opt in send their items to the center before they are sold. When an order is placed, the center picks it, packages it and sends it to the buyer.

Perhaps someone else can confirm that or correct me if I'm wrong.

In ebay's version the seller would be seinding items to the center only after the items had been purchased.

Toby I'm sure that some Canadians do buy from Amazon.com but I think that there are many who don't because they don't want to pay the customs and brokerage fees up front. It would be different if we were always charged duty and brokerage fees by the post office but that isn't the norm and those who know that, don't want to pay more than they have to. The long running UPS thread is proof of that.

If it becames mandatory for all U.S. sellers it will definitely hurt Canadian sellers that buy their product from U.S. based ebay sellers.It does look like a lot of categories on ebay will be excluded from the program so that will help some sellers.

Message 13 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

It sure is hard to grasp the logic behind this move.

Logic and ebay don't always seem to go together 😞

The "logc" could be based on this statement in the Global shipping program terms.

Referral fee: a variable fee paid by Pitney Bowes to eBay for referring Buyers to the Program.

Message 14 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

If it becames mandatory for all U.S. sellers it will definitely hurt Canadian sellers that buy their product from U.S. based ebay sellers.It does look like a lot of categories on ebay will be excluded from the program so that will help some sellers.

Maybe I've been understanding this incorrectly.......... but........

If such a program does take hold, wouldn't it only apply to paypal shipping?

Message 15 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

... if it becomes too much of a hassle buying on ebay I just won't buy here.

Me either.

Message 16 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

......... but buying on ebay has never been easy.

Thing is, if this only applies to paypal shipping, and I can't imagine otherwise............

Then nothing really changes that much for experienced buyers.

New Buyers .............. Yikes!  I'd hate to jump into a mess like that.

They will be the ones paying and not staying.

(It's been confusing lately because there are all kinds of changes happening regarding shipping that most sellers wouldn't even notice if they are not buying a lot.)

Message 17 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

This is absolutely preposterous. For US shippers who join this program it may quickly become the tipping point to cause them to switch to Ebid or one of the other online auction sites.


Message 18 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

This model is similar to S. Korea's Gmarket (which was purchased by eBay from Yahoo in 2009). For an order: local sellers all ship to a central point and then all of it is packaged together and then shipped internationally.

Message 19 of 77
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Re: eBay.com USA International shipping new system to be launched

Maybe I've been understanding this incorrectly.......... but........

If such a program does take hold, wouldn't it only apply to paypal shipping?

No, the seller doesn't have to use paypal shipping. The buyer has to pay with Paypal but paypal shipping isn't a requirement.

Message 20 of 77
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