05-15-2013 04:43 PM
When I go in the completed listings, I cannot see what is the price of the Accepted Best Offer on an item. This is bad. I like knowing what items sold for in my category and Best Offer is very common.
Anyone knows if that has been published in a news that I might have missed?
05-15-2013 04:54 PM
I do now know any news about it, but if you will press on each item, you will see the offered/accepted price.
05-15-2013 05:05 PM
I don't know what it looks like on a seller's personal page,,,,,
BUT I aways goto the Canadian site to see which BO a seller accepted and I noticed a couple of days ago that it's no longer on .ca.
These haven't appeared on .com for some time.
05-17-2013 01:55 PM
I owould imagine that while Fixed Prices are publicly indicated, and auctions have several members involved in bidding, Best Offers are a private transaction between the buyer and the seller.