eBay is surveying business sellers in Canada on issues ranging from international trade to rival...



This summer, we launched a short survey for our Canadian eBay business sellers—an email was sent earlier this month. Thank you to those who have already participated—your feedback will help us take the pulse of the business outlook of our Canadian seller community.

If you haven’t yet participated, I encourage you to take a few minutes to complete the survey, which can be found here. We want to hear from you!


Some context: 


eBay Surveys Business Sellers

eBay is surveying business sellers in Canada on issues ranging from international trade to rival selling channels. The company told sellers it would review aggregate results internally and said it might share results outside the company as well.



Somehow I missed this yesterday. It was in the Announcements. 

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eBay is surveying business sellers in Canada on issues ranging from international trade to rival...

It's a ten-minute survey. Go for it! 

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