I do the same thing, highlight right from my ended auctions but I paste straight into excel without going through MSWord. I'm assuming Deb does that because the columns are in a different order on eBay vs her spreadsheet but I have my columns set up the same - ie. item number, start date, end date, sold at, auction title, high bidder (important so you can sort by bidder and easily see all the auctions a bidder won and still has open regardless of the amount of time between auctions). Then from there I have the cost, PST paid, GST paid, shipping cost, GST paid on shipping, total paid, GST if charged, PST if charged, profit, eBay fees, Paypal fees, transaction closed (important for sorting so you can get the closed ones out of the way). There's formulas in there to calculate everything on the fly and pasting from the website does keep the links which is nice - I can click the item number from my excel to go straight to the auction.
I AM bit of a computer nerd but this is something you can set up without much problem. Give it a try - highlight some rows from your ended auctions and put your "curser" in the cell where you want your table to start in Excel and press Control "V". Add in some other info like I've mentioned above in other columns, use more or less info, whatever you need for your business. Formulas are easy to set up, this is a simple example:
column A=cost
column B=total paid
column C=fees
column D=shipping cost
column E=profits
so the formula on column E would be =B1-(A1+C1+D1)
This will automatically calculate your profit - what your customer paid less your cost, fees and shipping cost.
Then at the bottom you can have more totals, use the sum feature. I have a running total of what the auctions sold for (for my PS status), and totals for any of the other columns, ie. profits year to date, eBay fees to date, Paypal and GST/PST year to date. So when I do my RST payment to the government, its all right there in the totals, takes me less than a minute to fill out the form.