First of all, I hope you didn't spend a lot of money on this item. That seller is lying and you have been ripped-off.
Go to paypal TODAY and find your transaction in the history and open a Resolution Centre case immediately. With paypal, you have 180 days from payment to dispute an Item Not Received. If you used a credit card instead, call them but do it NOW or your coverage will lapse.
Make certain you never buy from this seller again and do NOT accept offers to replace from sellers outside of Canada. Even if the seller truly does send you a replacement, you will be stuck in this loop of waiting for it and does it come, does it not.....
Deals form overseas are not deals if you never get what you bought. It's just not worth the aggravation.
Ebay is mostly honest sellers but there are some who ruin it for everyone and don't let this one transaction ruin it for you. Look among local sellers (Canadian first) and always CHECK THE FEEDBACK to know what to expect.
Good luck as you carry forward. I wrote a guide to buying on that, as a new buyer, you might find useful. I don't like to see new ebayers being taken for a ride.