No, it is not possible.
If what you were asking could be done, it would circumvent the entire fabric of all auctions.
It seems to happen less frequently than in the past, but, a bidding war in the last couple of minutes of an auction is highly desirable to a seller. If, what you are suggesting occurred, most of these bidding wars and the excitement of the final few minutes of an auction would be greatly diminished.
Quite often, in the last few minutes of an auction, a buyer will bid too much for an item, if there is competition from at least one other buyer.
So, if your bid on a $.99 auction is really $25, and the bid shows $25, then far fewer buyers may bid on that item. In fact your system would cost the seller money.
If a seller lists an item for $.99, then they have to realize that it could indeed sell for $.99. It is really none of your concern, what the seller's item sells for. Offering any more money for the item could be seen as an insult (I would take it as one).
This is how auctions ( both eBay and non-electronic) work and how they have always worked.
A seller may protect herself, by choosing a reserve price, or by offering the item at the lowest amount that they are prepared to accept. If that amount is $.99, then so be it.
To feel any guilt about working within the system, is completely unnecessary.