05-31-2016 09:01 PM
I sold an item on the 17 of may was spose to be delivered to the usa by the 24 of may a 100.00 tranaction with shipping as of the 31 tracking shows showed up in the us on the 19 im freakinking like where can a big box go,im ready to contact can post call out search and rescue fbi or anything else that comes to mind? i put in the tracking no with usps and the item was deliverd on the 23 of may oh my gawd ,i was going to contact the buyer put in a claim not recieved wow that was unreal how that can happen, not sure how often that happens to canadian sellers shipping to the us, i am so relieved i didnt no that you can tract a parcell shipped by can post and see whats going on by tracking with usa parcell post wow
05-31-2016 09:09 PM
You were going to tell the buyer to file a INR claim? Already? Never do that. A buyer will let you know if an item doesn't arrive, usually long before the last ETA date.
FWIW, just clicking a tracking no. often does no good. You have to use the site it is being shipped to, as you have discovered.
05-31-2016 09:36 PM
yes i relizie now not to make my self vulerable to a item not recieved but i was so ditraught that t was a wee bit confused as i am just a small seller and i cant afford screw ups,that tranaaction would ruin me ,i always ship the same day 7 days a week i do the best that i can and sometimes tracking is not accurate for whatever reason i take great pride in my selling and fb but when you dont get fb and the tracking isnt accurate it leaves a person in a bad situation
05-31-2016 09:43 PM
I had a similar thing happen to me. I sent a parcel worth $150.00 on May 12th by Canada Post Expedited to the US with tracking. It was supposed to get there within 4 - 10 days. It arrived in the US on May 13th but said it still wasn't delivered by the May 30th. I e-mailed the buyer to let me know when it arrives or I will have to put in a complaint with Canada Post. They said they received it last week but forgot to leave feedback. The tracking number still says it hasn't been delivered. I think the postman forgot to scan the item as delivered.
05-31-2016 10:21 PM
06-01-2016 12:01 AM
It was scanned properly at the Post Office where I took it & I was able to following the tracking on line. I could see that it had arrived in the US but it never moved for a few weeks. When it is delivered the postman is supposed to scan it that it has been delivered.
06-01-2016 12:51 AM
im just wondering how many sellers are getting defects because of can post screw ups hmmm
06-01-2016 09:40 AM
It was in the summer of 2014 that 9 parcels were shipped to European countries... with tracking
Tracking was OK up to Montreal for all parcels.... and then the next step at Longueuil Quebec....to indicate the parcel left Canada... was missing on 5 of the parcels....
Two of the parcels that did NOT provide tracking that said the parcel left Canada became a problem... two defects
It was in September 2014 that I stopped shipping to locations outside of Canada and the US
and that when I seemed to get more exposure in the US???
06-01-2016 04:48 PM
I e-mailed the buyer to let me know when it arrives or I will have to put in a complaint with Canada Post. They said they received it last week but forgot to leave feedback. The tracking number still says it hasn't been delivered.
I don't think that it is a good idea to contact the buyer in a situation like this or like the OP's. If they don't have the package they will let you know and you can deal with the problem then. If your buyer was dishonest and you pointed out that there was no delivery scan, then they could have filed an inr. I don't think that most people would do that but I still think that it is best to wait to hear from the buyer.
I actually never (or rarely) check tracking for anything I've sent as I don't have the time or feel there is a need for it. If there is a problem, I'll find out.
06-01-2016 05:56 PM
pjcdn2005 wrote:
I actually never (or rarely) check tracking for anything I've sent as I don't have the time or feel there is a need for it. If there is a problem, I'll find out.
Golden words! Not that most people will steal but why tempt fate, especially when they're holding their item wishing they hadn't paid so much.
06-01-2016 06:31 PM
@aubreyclay56 wrote:I sold an item on the 17 of may was spose to be delivered to the usa by the 24 of may a 100.00 tranaction with shipping as of the 31 tracking shows showed up in the us on the 19 im freakinking like where can a big box go,im ready to contact can post call out search and rescue fbi or anything else that comes to mind? i put in the tracking no with usps and the item was deliverd on the 23 of may oh my gawd ,i was going to contact the buyer put in a claim not recieved wow that was unreal how that can happen, not sure how often that happens to canadian sellers shipping to the us, i am so relieved i didnt no that you can tract a parcell shipped by can post and see whats going on by tracking with usa parcell post wow
When I ship a tracked parcel and after it is scanned at the Post Office, I enter the number on the Canada Post website and click on the link fthat says "sign up for email notifications" Just enter your e-mail address and you will receive a confirmation from Canada Post when it is delivered. If you want to check on the progress in the U.S., then you have to enter the number on the USPS tracking website. On that website, as well, you can enter your e-mail address to get updates or final delivery confirmation. You can even enter the buyer`s e-mail address so they too can be alerted to the progress of their parcel.
06-02-2016 01:44 AM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:I e-mailed the buyer to let me know when it arrives or I will have to put in a complaint with Canada Post. They said they received it last week but forgot to leave feedback. The tracking number still says it hasn't been delivered.
I don't think that it is a good idea to contact the buyer in a situation like this or like the OP's. If they don't have the package they will let you know and you can deal with the problem then. If your buyer was dishonest and you pointed out that there was no delivery scan, then they could have filed an inr. I don't think that most people would do that but I still think that it is best to wait to hear from the buyer.
I actually never (or rarely) check tracking for anything I've sent as I don't have the time or feel there is a need for it. If there is a problem, I'll find out.
I actually do look at tracking fairly often but I generally don't look at any of the things that are not delivered (recently shipped). I'm looking them up from a historical perspective to see just how long packages actually take.
That way when I give my buyers MY estimate of the delivery time it's something based on actual previous experience rather than some number the post office or eBay dreamed up.
Of course I'm using Stamps.com so it's a simple click to see the shipping / delivery dates for all packages sent in the previous month, months or even years.
06-02-2016 01:10 PM
I thought stamps.com only sold USPS services?
Do you ship from the USA? You're pretty close to the border, I believe.
06-02-2016 02:12 PM
Yes I ship via USPS currently through chitchat but I've been doing it since before chitchat existed via a "roll your own" system (I haven't actually visited the USA in 30 years).
06-02-2016 02:58 PM
I have to ask...what is a 'roll your own' system?
I had always thought that before chit chat you did go to the U.S. to mail your packages.